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Baba alone. Baba was then escorted to his room and the party followed. How nicely and neatly they had arranged things for him and also for the whole of the party accompanying him — ten, including males and females! Cleanliness and decency seemed to be the motto the house; even the floors were so clean and shining and smooth that it required special attention to take every step with the utmost care and very lightly lest a foot slip giving no time for proper balance and recovery before one fell flat.


The first day was spent in private talk with the family, and in arranging a program for the visitors who were expected during the week, from different parts of the Continent, and mostly from Zurich itself. But Baba's most important work was in connection with the arrangements for the picture which he wanted to complete before he left on the 16th from here. And he repeatedly made inquiries, in his usual way, for the party arriving from New York, and it was only when the Cooks office informed us that the party had landed yesterday, and was expected to arrive during the course of this afternoon, that he felt satisfied and happy.


He then explained to all that one of his special works here was to retire in seclusion in the mountains near by, and instructed Walter to make inquiries and find out some suitable spots. Walter had a friend who was familiar with such spots, and it was arranged that Baba should go that same afternoon to the mountains and select one spot. So Baba left with Walter's family and returned in the evening after a successful trip during which he selected a nice spot.


Meanwhile, the party from New York had arrived, and after the first few ecstatic moments of a blissful reunion, which is known only to those who love Baba and are loved by him, business conversations commenced, lasting for hours until late at night.


The blessed blissful moments: As everyone wished to be with Baba as long as he would keep them near, Baba had occasionally to be amongst them to make them happy. He came down when all had been in the dining hall at breakfast, lunch and supper time, and again in the garden where all had their afternoon tea, and also for short periods at intervals whenever he could spare a few moments, or when he felt an inward call. The evenings after supper were spent daily in silent communion, all the family and visitors sitting around Baba, either in the garden or in the big hall, if it was cold outside. This is a special feature and a splendid treat for the devotees who enjoy such moments of supreme bliss of feeling him and the love he radiates, in silent communion. They all crave for these moments which they always consider the most blissful in their lives, and cherish such happy memories of all experiences they get from him during these moments when they feel him most.


July 8th: For some reasons of his own, this morning Baba has an apparent expression of disappointment and feels sad and suffering which stirs up things to a considerable extent and brings about results that are so unexpected and surprising. Someone, who was working for him, didn't seem to understand him thoroughly yet and acted in accordance with his own impulse and discretion, more than in accordance with Baba's will and instructions. This was due to no fault of intentional indifference of the one who is quite new, but because of his ignorance of Baba's ways of working which required correction, or "stirring up", and Baba has had his own way of doing things and getting his work done he wishes. And he did it here too, with one who would be the last to be dictated to and the least expected to do things except as he liked! But in Baba he found One who could dictate, and for the first time in his life he submitted and surrendered himself to the unseen hand and impulse that guided him to do things. His own conception of "self-esteem" was shown to be entirely falsified, and he passed through an experience that convinced him of the Power of the One behind the many, of the Force within, unseen but vividly felt, that put in his head clever ideas too wonderful for the human intellect to invent! And he was a changed man! He himself admitted it to his colleague, who conveyed it to Baba, feeling himself utterly amazed at the unexpected change of attitude in his




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