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on the station platform on a secluded side; the walk he always needed and enjoyed for his own reasons. An old lady, a relative of Norina's, had been here to see Baba and had a nice time during the two hours 'sahavas' (company) with him.


From Bale to Zurich the train passed through charming hills and dales and country rich with green pastures and beautiful scenery, but the tiresome journey (all day long and the sleepless night in the third-class compartment) had left very little spirit for any appreciation of the charm and beauties of nature. The boys made the most of the two hours in their compartment, resting and having occasional naps. The others were all with Baba in his compartment (third, of course) and happy in the warmth of his company and nearness, feeling his love in the dead silence that prevailed most of the time. Thus passing the two hours of the last stage of our long journey from London, we arrived at Zurich at 9:30 A.M. the 7th of July.


Herr Walter Mertens, Baba's devotee and chief worker here, at whose invitation he has come here, had been waiting at the station with three touring cars and a big truck for luggage. After half an hours' drive through the heart of the city we arrived at our residence, No. 1, Jupiter Strasse. A party of Baba's devotees from other places had already arrived at Zurich to be near him during his stay there, and had put up in different hotel and private guest-houses near by. They were all standing in front of their verandas, as Baba's car had to pass by, awaiting to welcome him amidst them, and to have and feel a touch of his loving hand as he passed by. They had a hearty hand-shake with him, and all unanimously and with one voice echoed how eagerly they longed for this blissful moment of their lives, how they would enjoy the time in his company and nearness and felt so grateful for his kind consideration and permission to allow them to be in his vicinity and give them the benefit of his company and nearness in spite of the very busy time he has for his special work that he has to do here.


At the Mertens another enthusiastic crowd of his family and others, who had come there especially for the occasion to be with Baba, were awaiting to welcome the Beloved One. The moment they saw him they literally rushed to him and crushed him with the warm embrace each had with Baba for the first few minutes. The ordinary formalities of the world — of an introduction with many of the new devotees who saw Baba for the first time — were all forgotten for the time being in the blissful intoxication of the first few moments in his august presence. It was a function, peculiar to the Holy Master, of an introduction in complete silence, as the first few moments of his arrival anywhere hold all stupefied and dumb in his presence, and none could utter a word. And where was the need of words! The very silence spoke volumes that each heart felt within, of a love that is divinely pure, of a bond that is as old as time, inseparable and ever-existing! Tears of joy told untold tales of the anxious moments of their waiting for him, of the deep devotion and love they felt for him ever since they heard of him and his coming. And when, after the first spell of stupefaction, the silence is broken, the very first words they could utter said nothing but how they longed for him, had made all preparations for him and his party, with hearts full of joy they hardly felt in doing other things, and then counted days, hours and minutes before his actual arrival and presence in their midst!


Amongst those introduced to Baba in the compound was a family of the "dumb" ones, "Mr. and Mrs. Johny" and their young one, two months old, who came to Baba and played with him very fondly and lovingly, as if they had known him since ages. "Mr. Johny" was a very big, shaggy, Scotch dog, with very long white hair all over his body and face, and the size of a bear — that he actually resembled. "Mrs. Johny", too, was milky white and equally tame. But the puppy was the sweetest of the three, like a ball of wool, but rather too big for its age. This little blessed one was lucky enough to be in Baba's hands and photographed! Baba always loves the little one most.


In the garden, after the first introduction with the family and a little rest in the open, Walter took some nice snapshots of Baba with different groups of the party, and also of




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