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dives down into the water, its eye remain turned upward — which may be contrasted to those of a human being whose eyes, while diving, are turned downward. The wings of every fish are its compact hands and feet. The last fish form is the water-fowl in which this latent form is found to be somewhat erect and the THIRD TURN is completed.


Once again, through various changes, comes the FOURTH TURN, with face downward, in the shape of a crab. From the fourth turn, the feet remain in a compressed form till the inverse turn takes place. The FIFTH TURN takes place in the kangaroo form, and it is inverse, because the head begins rising up and manifesting itself.


The principal manifestations of the latent human form in the animal kingdom are those of the kangaroo, the dog, and the monkey. The kangaroo is the first animal form in which the soul incarnates after passing through the last bird form, and that is why its front two legs are so very small. With further progress, the feet begin to get higher and higher, as in bears, lions, etc. (but the eyes remain turned downward), till in the dog form, the latent human form can actually sit on its hind legs. The last stepping stone which helps the latent human form in completely manifesting itself is the monkey. The fifth turn is completed in the human form, which is its complete manifestation.


Simultaneously with the clash between Prana and Akasha or Energy and Emptiness, fire, water, air and earth became manifested. Stones, metals and vegetables during their organic evolution, have chief connection with earth; fish have connection with water, birds with air, animals with fire, and human beings with all the four elements.


The earth is found everywhere in the world, since not only dry land but also the beds of seas, rivers, lakes, contain it. Similarly, water, though visible only in oceans, rivers, lakes, etc., is everywhere — if not on the surface, under the earth in large or small quantities. In other words, just as earth lies below the water in seas, rivers, etc., so water lies everywhere under the dry earth. There is no question of air not being present anywhere in this world. As regards fire, in the broad sense, viz., a kind of blaze, or "tej" (as it is called in the vernacular), it is certainly everywhere in the world; but it is covered under the layer of ether.


This blaze is the fire that, as said above, has connection with animals, and it is owing to this that the hunger-heat is so very intense in animals. Almost all animals eat great amounts of food, as if they were born for the sole purpose of eating.


The first form after the last vegetable form is that of an insect, which is green that it is not possible to recognize it on a tree. The most evolved form of insect is that of a worm. Though the worm is found on dry earth, it frequents moist spots, and this fact shows that it is on its way to becoming a fish or going into water. In other words, the insect form in the shape of a worm begins having connection with water from the dry earth, and the connection becomes complete when it becomes a fish. in the same way, the last form of the fish from the water viz., crab, begins leaving its connection with it.


The next form to the crab is of a water-fowl, the first form that begins connection with air. There are many kinds of fowls, including ducks, that like to swim in water. Just as the first form of bird has connection with water, so their last form but one, viz., cock, has connection with earth. In spite of its being a bird, the cock has little connection with air. The last form of bird is a big, burly one with a long beak and a lolling piece of flesh by the chin. The manifestation next to the last bird form takes place in kangaroo, in the animal kingdom, the last form of which is monkey, if we exclude human beings.


The five "turns" are implied in the above cursory description: (1) from under




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