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is continually telling us, "I love you, you are Mine." He says this to us constantly. His embrace of love is for all. His arms are always open, waiting for us to come to Him. But it is up to us to take the step to come to Him.


They used to say of the Buddha that the words He spoke were familiar; that they had heard these words before. But when it came from the Buddha it had new meaning, new life. The messages Meher Baba has given about God's love for us are not new. He has said them before in past Advents. What Meher Baba has come to give us is the actual experience of these words, the experience of God's love.


We are all in the Ocean of His love. If we could but allow the cup of our hearts to open and experience His love! But, because of the habit of millions of lives, we are instead reaching for shadows and ignoring His light.


Think for a moment what happens when you fall in love, or are fulfilled due to your desires being satisfied, think of any situation that makes you extremely happy. That experience of happiness, that flush of love is a subjective experience. It's a feeling that is felt from within, although an outward event caused the feeling.


When you're in love with someone you are expressing feelings towards that person and when that person reciprocates your love, you feel happy, joyful. What happens is we are projecting an inner experience outward towards the world. When it comes back, when the reflection is clear, we experience that love coming back to us and we are happy. We feel loved.


This only happens however, when the object of our love is in the proper mood, and responsive to our feelings of love. We all know the pain of unrequited love.


We know the feeling of our heart sincerely going out to someone and having our love rejected. If we but turn to Meher Baba directly in our hearts we can feel love as an immediate experience. We can have direct communication with the Beloved within our own hearts, instead of seeking the reflection of love from the hearts of others.


Instead of expecting love and happiness externally through relationships from the world we can then give love. What we do is go outward; instead of inward out. Francis Brabazon said, "There is no death worse than expectancy." There is no suffering greater then seeking love from outside of one's own being.


Meher Baba has come to offer us the experience of His love directly. The love we experience for our children, our parents, our spouse, etc., is like a little drop of love. Each experience of love and happiness we feel in the world is a little bit of love. Meher Baba’s love is the ocean of love which contains all possible drops of love. If we open up our hearts and turn to Him internally we can experience love purely. This is not something for the future. THE NEW HUMANITY IS NOW.



(In response to a question from the audience about feeling of Baba's love coming and going, the following was said:)


When someone first comes to Baba, everyone says he is on the "Honeymoon" with Baba. Of course, this implies that this experience will soon be over with. That's the nature of a honeymoon. My perception is that the "Honeymoon" with Baba doesn't have to end. Our minds say, "Oh, it's going to end", or sometimes we are influenced by others who tell us, "You can't feel Baba's love all the time, you have to face life . . . " It is because of this that the honeymoon seems to end.


This doesn't mean there are not ups and downs in this game of love with our soul. I would like to share something that Bhau once said that might be responsive to your question. Bhau indicated that it does seem at times that Baba's love is there, and at other times it isn't there. It goes away. It seems transitory. What happens sometimes is that when we experience His love, our desire for His love grows. We experience a bit of His love and it makes us want more of His love. Our capacity for His love increases, and our longing increases. We are no longer satisfied with the same amount of love, we want more. It seems as if His love has gone, but His love is still with us. What has happened is that the cup of our heart has increased and hence it now seems empty, as compared to our previous experience.




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