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Fana means Samadhi. What is Samadhi? It is super-trance. For example: you go to Bombay from Nasik. Bombay is your goal. The first station after Nasik is Deolali. Deolali station is the first plane. Here, tired out, you sleep. That is Fana. You wake up and you look around. This is the "state". Then you advance on and on.


The second station is Igatpuri. This is the second plane. You sleep there, on the second plane. You wake up, and look all around. This is the second state. You then advance further and further until you reach Bombay and then there is no sleep. You become Bombay yourself. Then you sleep. These different sleeps are Samadhis, but in sleep you are unconscious. In Samadhi, you are not conscious of body or world, just like in sleep, but you are conscious of bliss, or light, or power, according to the state. Is it clear? It is simple and it is all in you — as a matter of fact it is you. Samadhi is not important. People go into Samadhi, come down from that state, and then they are like ordinary men.


Samadhi is not the goal. One yogi in Gwalior was very greedy. He was all the time thinking of money, but yoga taught him the trick of going into Samadhi. One day he sat opposite the Rajah's palace and before going into Samadhi, thought, "I must have a thousand rupees from the Rajah". Then he went into Samadhi. For seven days he was in this state. He took no food or drink, he just sat there. People thought he was a saint. The Rajah came to know about him. He went near him and just touched him on the back That touch brought the yogi down from his Samadhi, and as soon as he woke up he asked for two thousand rupees.


Sahaj Samadhi is the " Sadguru Samadhi "; it is Avatar Samadhi. The seventh plane Fana-Filah, is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. When one comes down from the seventh plane, one gets Sahaj Samadhi. "Sahaj" means automatic, natural. In this Sahaj Samadhi, one eats drinks, talks, plays and moves about, but all the time he is in Samadhi.


Krishna, when he was drawing his bow and using his sword on the battlefield killing people, was in Sahaj Samadhi. When he was talking he was in Samadhi. Baba is in Sahaj Samadhi every second. That is why to know Him you have to realize the Self. You see me ordinarily in the physical body — but I am in Samadhi. When you see through — deep down into yourself — there you see me as the Infinite One. Then you see Me in everyone and everything. It is all Baba. God only IS. Samadhi is bluff. God is real, and everyone and all else is God too.


You cannot limit God by saying God is this or that. God is just God. Illusion is God. God is not one or two, but just God. Nothing, and everything are so merged in each other that you cannot say, "This is nothing, or this is everything." Nothing, too, exists but it is illusion. What is it? It is God. Is it clear? God is God. When you realize Me you know, and this knowing is permanent. The only sign of God-realization is that when one becomes united with God one knows everything, everything is God. One can do anything.


One does not know everything by the mind. One just knows. You know you are a human being and not a dog. You know it, not by thinking, but you just know, "I am not a dog". You do not have to think "I am not a dog", — you just know you are not. You never even think about your not being a dog. You know you are God. You are God now but you do not know it. I am God. I know it.


Here someone asked whether each had to go through all the seven planes, to which Baba answered: A perfect Master does not make you go through each plane. He takes you past them all, and the fun is you do not 'go'. You just stay where you are, just as now you get up and go out, and walk about. You think you go, but you are everywhere. You mind takes this body. You are everywhere. So long for union with God. Do not bother about planes, or Samadhis, powers. Long for Union and be patient.


One Master told a disciple that to attain to the highest you have to be bound hand and foot on a plank, and then be thrown into a river, yet keep your garments dry all the time. This poor man could not understand. He went round and round till he came to




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