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greatest bindings of sanskaras (Sanskar Bandhan) which drag him down from his high super-conscious state of a yogi (No. 4) to the lowest, almost unconscious stone-state (No. 7) after he gives up his gross body on the fourth plane.


But if he is satisfied with the acquired powers and keeps his mind cool and steady, the yogi remains there, without making use of this collection of "diamonds and pearls"; then some realized Sadguru will remove the powers, thus clearing his way, and will make him pass through the seven planes and give him Realization, ending all his troubles to know Self.


Thus, on the fourth plane, just as there is untold pleasure, there is also pain and penalty— there is the great "stop". There are many stupendous powers acquired through the means of yoga—even that of reviving the dead or moving mountains. However, these experiences and great powers which the yogi sees in the subtle state, are all a dream. As soon as the desire to do miracles is put into action on the gross plane, the yogi leaves his samadhi state and drops the body; the gross-plane action of a miracle brings him down to the lowest state—that of stone. Such are the grave risks of the fourth plane. That is why those who are Realized repeatedly emphasize that these practices of "yogi samadhi" are useless. Again, for this very reason, these Sadgurus take their disciples who are to be realized across the seven planes in absolute darkness, so that these new "wonders" remain unknown, and do not tempt them to stop there midway (even when they return through the planes alone and with eyes open).


Why Thrown Down to the Stone State?


As explained above, in the subtle form of the one who has attained to the yoga state, there are ample chances of being caught in the grip of the sanskaras when the desire to perform miracles is put into action or gross form. Once the aspirant is caught in the bindings of these sanskaras, he has to come down to the lowest level of the sanskaras. Why? Because all the refuse of the past sanskaras created by his progress from the stone state to the yogi state, that accumulated and blocked his path, has been removed by the means of yoga samadhi, so his path is clear. Now, when the aspirant is again caught in the binding of these sanskaras, their weight is tremendous and pulls him down. There is another reason too. Miracles are the "illusion of illusion" and the cause of illusion is sanskaras.


Thus the yogi on the fourth plane, while performing miracles, is caught in such a sharp and severe grip of the binding sanskaras that he is actually crushed under the unexpected extra- ordinary weight of these sanskaras (after some interval of yoga samadhi)—and he has to come down to the lowest state when he drops the gross body, which he utterly neglected while he was in samadhi and having experiences of the planes in his subtle body.




There are four kinds of samadhis :


       1.   ordinary "sound sleep"—unconscious samadhi


       2.   yoga samadhi through pranayam and other such means


       3.   nirvikalpa samadhi— the state of perfect forgetfulness, i.e., Realization of Truth


       4.   sahaj samadhi—the samadhi which is the state of coming down to the world after                    Realization, which is only acquired by Saliks


The first samadhi is ordinary and is the experience of every human being while asleep. The second, yoga samadhi is achieved by yogis by awakening the kundalini current through pranayam (concentration) etc. The third and fourth are real samadhis, as in those states one experiences or has already experienced the Ananta Ananda or eternal Bliss.




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