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aura differs from the others in its proportion of each of the seven colors, according to the individual's predominant impressions. Likewise, each aura also differs in the color formation on the borders between every two predominant colors in it. For example, red would be the most prominent color in the aura of a man whose impressions are predominantly made up of lustful actions.


The halo begins to develop and an aura begins to disappear only after an individual starts advancing on the Path to God-Realization. When the aura begins to get more and more faint, the halo commences to shine more and more, getting brighter in proportion to the progress of the individual's consciousness on the Path. The halo becomes very bright only after an individual aura is on the point of disappearing. This happens in the case of a soul who wakes up fully conscious in the sixth plane of complete mental illumination.


In the Seventh Plane of Reality, the God-Realized One is, once and for all, entirely free from each and every impression, because the very storehouse of impressions itself, the individual mind, is then annihilated and there remains neither aura nor halo. The Reality of God alone remains supreme in the Self-Consciousness of Infinite Power, Infinite Knowledge and Infinite Bliss, with all illusion ceasing to remain as illusion.


When one who is God-Realized is able to return with his God-Consciousness simultaneously to all the planes of illusion as a Perfect Master, or Sadguru, his halo is then most bright — infinitely brighter than all the suns of the universe put together. It is out of the question for anyone, except those who have attained the consciousnesses of the Sixth Plane to behold the Divine Effulgence of the Master's halo.


In all other cases the halo is an expression of individual advancement on the Path, and a sign of the dwindling of the individual's sanskaras, or impressions. In such cases, the halo is like a growing bright circle of the mental atmosphere of illumination, colorless throughout, and yet in every phase of its manifestation, far, far richer in spiritual splendor than any combination of colors can ever be.


Without going into further details, the table that follows will simplify the subject matter so far discussed.


Without necessarily being consciously advanced on the Path and only as a result of deep and sublime emotions, latent or expressed, the aspirant may have, from time to time, glimpses of the reflections of inner sights, reverberations of the echoes of inner sounds, redolence’s of the inner fragrances and distant shades of the inner ecstasies, all of which are but trivialities connected with the higher illusions of the Path. There are also many techniques and natural causes for the manifestation of such phenomena, which are beyond the faculties of an ordinary man. Volumes


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