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When He enacts His Divine "Sport" in any such Form (we have Matsya-Avatar, Kurma-Avatar, Varaha-Avatar, the Divine Fish, Tortoise, Boar, and in human forms) they disdain Him, looking upon Him as an ordinary mortal.


Bhagavan again says, "Fools, not knowing My supreme nature, think low of Me, the Overlord of the entire creation, who have put on the human semblance That is to say, they take Me, who have appeared in human garb through My Yogamaya for the deliverance of the world, for an ordinary mortal."


Inasmuch as Bhagavan remains veiled by His Yogamaya, they cannot realize that it is Almighty God Himself, the Lord of all creation, who is ever pure, awakened and free, who is sporting in that Form for the good of the world.


It may be asked here: “Why do people regard the Almighty Lord, appearing in human form, as an ordinary mortal?" In reply to this, the Lord Shri Krishna said: "Veiled by My Yogamaya—divine potency,—I am not mani­fest to all. Hence these ignorant folk fail to recognize Me, the unborn and imperishable Supreme Deity, i.e. consider Me as subject to birth and death."


"Arjuna, I know all beings, past as well as present, nay even those that are yet to come; but none—devoid of faith and reverence—knows Me"


Let me give some quotations from the utterances of our Beloved Meher Baba:


"I am not limited by this Form. I use it like a garment to make myself visible to you, and I communicate with you. Don't try to understand Me. My depth is unfathomable. Just love Me."


"I veil Myself from man by his own curtain of ignorance and manifest my Glory to a few. My present Avataric Form is the last Incarnation of this cycle of time, and hence My Manifestation will be the greatest."


"I am God personified. You who have the chance of being in My living presence are fortunate and blessed."


"I am God—God the Beyond and God in human form."


"I was Rama, I was Krishna, I was this One, I was that One, and now I am Meher Baba. In this form of flesh and blood I am that same Ancient One who alone is eternally worshipped and ignored, ever remembered and forgotten."


"I am that Ancient One whose past is worshipped and remembered, whose present is ignored and forgotten and whose future (Advent) is anticipated with great fervor and longing."


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