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What miracles does Baba do?


He does the only miracle that really counts. He stimulates spiritual growth. He helps us break through the husk of selfishness, and we really begin to grow, in the true direction, the one that is right for us. By stimulating our germinal within-point; he never destroys our individuality, but makes us break creatively out of our self-imposed limitations . . .from within. By magnetizing our heart-center towards truth, he rearranges our person­ality towards love, for love is truth . . .


And all softly, from within.


Light as a feather is His touch on the heart of man!


He will do it all—the whole universe will respond to His touch—because God's work is infinite—infinitely great and infinitely small. The smallest is as great as the greatest.


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It shocks some people, but Baba loves to laugh. He is a great humorist and loves to tell jokes and stories...even play cards! Why should not humor be a part of God? To Him the whole universe is a joke, nothing is real. The whole evolutionary tail wagging behind us is unreal...and one small good joke (whim) of God can cut it off!


Sadguru is never sad . . .so laugh along with Him!


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Why obey Baba?—Because Baba is Self.


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A common heresy of our time is to say, because we have Christ within, we do not need Christ without. It is like a candle saying, I have light, I do not need the sun. Or the clay saying to the sculptor, I do not need you, I have form within.


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Baba is not the Answer. He is the Question.


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Is there such love in the universe?


Yes. His eyes are wells of Love. Look in them and drown.


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Since the dawn of creation, He has been running on the Path. In fact, He can be said to have created the Path by this constant running . . .between God and man.


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Call him the Fire-Avatar, the breath of Shiva. In physical world, physical fire. In subtle world, subtle fire. In mental world, mental fire, and in God's world, seed of fire. He is the Firebringer of our time, bringing God's love to us once more . . .Prometheus of human hearts! And likewise, suffering for His gift . . .




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