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go to the bazaar for shopping, I don't mind, but not to go bathing or hunting.


"The main point― you should not bring up new suggestions. Don't ask for more than I give you. If I give you a finger, don't try to reach for the whole arm.


"Now, just because I have given certain freedom to one does not mean that l should give it to everybody. What is good for one might not be good for another. You must keep this in mind.


"So, to return to picnics. Once a month, and a walk every day, shopping when you like but no hunting or shooting and going on expeditions from where you might not return and if you did not return by 9 P.M. you would have disobeyed orders.


"Once again, the main point is I do not wish you to bring up new suggestions."


Adi Jr. brought up the point that the boys might make new suggestions concerning outings and so forth. Baba replied: 'Gradually you will think of hunting and bathing more than about me so the best course will be to have a complete list of what you can do. On the picnic days you can go bathing, climb trees, dance, and so forth, but not on other days. No tea parties on other days of the month.'"


Note the humoring. How little did we realize we were being tested as to our future stay in India and the strict discipline Baba insisted on amongst his Eastern disciples.


Baba will give you just so much. Accept or "pack up your things in the old kit bag and go." But Baba brings about these changes in a less brutal fashion. As he once said, "I have a million ways of sending you away." And whenever this did occur, it was done in a very kind and subtle way. And so wherever he puts you, stay and be happy.


On picnic days, of course, meditation and Urdu lessons lapsed, but not for those who chose not to go on picnics. "For them," said Baba, "meditation continues as before. This aversion to meditation and learning Urdu many have. Meditation, some love it, some don't like it. I hate it but I like being meditated upon because then I help directly.


"Love is meditation in its highest form, but only that love which does not


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