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Eruch continued reading the Discourse on the many universes, visible and invisible, and many worlds, of which a number are inhabited. Baba said that scientists will gradually come to know what He has been saying for many years and also today. He continued, "It is not possible to see all the universes and the worlds. They are not visible even with all the modern means; nor will it be possible for man to reach them or contact them; yet the scientists will come to know about them."


From the Discourse a paragraph on the Seven Kingdoms of Evolution was read, which stresses that only on the planet Earth do human beings reincarnate and begin the involutionary path to God-Realization. The Earth is at the center of the millions of universes, to which all souls must migrate to begin the Inward Journey.


Baba: "In Infinity you cannot have a point as center, otherwise it's not Infinity. And yet on the chart we have made the Earth the center of Infinite Space. Why? Because there are many habitable worlds in Infinite Space and human beings of those worlds have to migrate eventually to the Earth. In some worlds the people are very intelligent, much more so than on Earth, yet they must come to this Earth-speck for the sake of the "heart," the involutionary journey . . . "


The Discourse continued. Baba explained, "Charles has individuality as Charles, the human being. He knows he is Charles. When he is God-Realized, he has Infinite Consciousness, he loses his limited individuality and merges in God. The world doesn't exist for him, nothing exists but God; and he then experiences Infinite Bliss. When Charles regains his individuality it is infinite, and he is still Charles, but with infinite consciousness; he is Charles and God simultaneously . . . But all this is not meant for you people." Baba smiled, "It's all useful to posterity. For you—it is sufficient to obey Me, love Me, and hold on to My daaman—then wherever I am, you will be also; if you were to begin your inward journey, you will also be with Me, because I am also there on those journeys. All this is illusory; God alone is real.


“You must love God, see God, become one with God; that is your duty. Your duty is to know this is all illusion; God alone is real. But to love God is also not in your hands. It's a gift from God to you—and the one who receives His Grace has nothing to do with these journeys whether outward or inward. Where you go on the journey is not important if you hold on to My daaman . Everything is immaterial—Hafiz has given us consolation."


Francis read his translation of Hafiz' ode:




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