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The disciples then completed their packing and Baba was ready to leave. Just before He was about to leave, a signal was given and a series of fireworks, rockets and shells were fired. Baba came out of the house, looked with His child-wonder, at a bursting shell, then brusquely turned back into the house saying, "What are they doing this for—they will cause a fire."


Two minutes later all the men were rushing down into the bush into the dark with buckets of water to put out the fire that had started! What a wonderful send-off!


All then hurried off to the airport to farewell Him, and at 10:30 the plane took off for Singapore and India.






Baba said, "Don't worry. Worry accumulates and grows in strength, becomes a habit long after the original cause has ceased to be." (After asking one his age), He said, "When you were young, this and that happened, you cried, you felt sad, and worry began, and after 50 years you still worry, although the time when worry began in you has gone. If another 50 years passes you could at the end of that time be still worrying about something which was happening now. It is crazy.


"You worry now about some condition, yet you have experienced all conditions. You have been blind, sick, poor, old, young, beautiful, ugly. You worry about your children—you have had numberless children, and they have had numberless parents and children. You worry about your job—you have been in every sort of occupation. You worry about your wife—you have had so many wives. You have been everything and experienced all conditions, and yet you worry about the slightest thing that happens to you.




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