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devotee may not be aware Baba brings about a happy coordination between the heart and mind, and this process of regeneration, so continues in the individual and is advancing in the world of today. To allow this to proceed unhindered we have to give, we have to yield, so as to allow our own individual natures to be transformed and redeemed, to be firm and steadfast, throughout our lives. If you take Baba to be God, there can be nothing beyond the scope of His knowing concerning every individual.


We should struggle to give Him His needs, just as He gave us our needs by coming into the world. Loving is a two-way thing. If we go to Baba for His darshan, He gives generously and we in turn should be just as generous in our giving. That is, we should yield and at least try to obey Him; by repeating His dear name, bowing down; His way, not our way. That means we tell Him, "I give You my head," and then repeating His name once after we have given. No slander, no backbiting, no hurting others; in fact not only repeating the "Prayer of Repentance" but reading it carefully, and asking ourselves, "Have I done this?"—then struggling hard not to commit that sin again, if we have. So, as we struggle, we begin to live Begin the Beguine , we struggle and hearts respond. The more we repeat His name, the nearer we get to giving Him His need—ourselves. Baba is God. Let us all try to give Him His heart's desire, and struggle to obey Him, so that one day He will come to us as a Beloved and hear us whisper, for only Him to hear, "Darling, I love you."


The message in the Beguine renews the hopes of aspirants and encourages them to further effort and struggle. We may not understand Baba's way of working, but by effort and struggle and by loving Him more, we receive more of His grace and love. It is an established fact that Baba has left it on record that He has retained the Presidency of the United Kingdom, having given up all other presidencies. The United Kingdom holds a unique place in the world today and the future but if we to are see this in its true context—the greatest benefit any Baba devotee can derive from Baba's presidency is to allow Him to preside in their hearts.


I wanted to say a little about psychology in the world as it is—it is from my own experience, the modern science that deals with the mind called psychology, for the sake of this talk, I will call the science of the mind=heart or the soul of the individual. Modern science is unable to cope with the human being as a complete whole—since the function of the complex nature of man is a continual interplay of cross currents which link up with both heart and mind. This interrelationship between two separate organs during the working hours, varies in intensity according to the individual's nature. This interplay of thoughts, feelings, emotions, love, hatred, happiness, unhappiness, joy, success, and failure, doubt and faith, hope and despair, etc., etc., is generated between the mind and the head of the individual. The creating and expressing of these impressions, called sanskaras, have to be lived out in the individual life and they become to some extent expressed through the ego. Moreover, as the sanskaras are spent, so new ones are being created, to be spent in the next incarnation in the new environment. When the individual begins to doubt the life of the senses, the feeling of inadequacy to cope with his problems, the unredeemed loneliness of his heart and a visionless future, the very existence of his life seems to be threatened. The inner man, the self, finds this state unacceptable, and the question arises, "Who am I?" Baba is Avatar, is God Almighty, incarnate on this earth of ours. Baba has the knowledge; all-knowing, He has knowledge of each and everyone from the beginning. If He didn't come to our rescue, there would be no way out of our problems. Baba is the supreme surgeon of the mind and heart of a human being. He works independently of any theatrical, mechanical or analytical process. Space and time are illusory factors which cannot hinder Baba's working. All that is real is given in Silence. He is concerned with the individual, works on the individual, and works through them.



Fred Marks     7 January 1900 - 2 March 1985


I have deemed it my good portion to have been born poor of this world's fortune -

Yet, in this fate of  ‘ups and downs'  I played the ace of Baba's clowns

And found no mirth in the Kingdom of Earth, but now I know

That I am Thine, God's Kingdom's come and Thou art mine.       — Fred Marks




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