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On Working for Baba


To a small group of Baba workers gathered in Poona, December 8, 1957, Baba expressed His happiness about the work they were doing through the Centre. At the same time He remarked that the 'heart' is the real Centre. To this group, Baba said, "I love all; but I do not necessarily need the rich, the respectable and the intelligent for My work. I need the simple, common people irrespective of their weaknesses. Simple-hearted fishermen gathered round Jesus: Krishna was happy in the company of light-hearted 'Gopis' —- the cowherd companions. Was not Pendya, a lame Gopi very dear to Krishna? I am happy in your company for it is only love that matters and not the 'position'."


About His lovers in the West, Baba remarked, "They too are equally dear to Me. Their spirit of obedience is admirable. Though prepared to come all the way to India by chartered plane even for a brief sahavas, they have now willingly agreed to cancel coming in order to meet My wishes. However, in spite of the pain in My hip-joint, sahavas programme for My lovers in India will definitely take place in February, 1958. Pain or no pain, sahavas is definite. Pain has fallen in love with me. It has become a Baba‑lover. So Baba cannot ask the pain to 'leave'."


Baba resumed the former discourse. He said, "what do you understand when I say your heart should become a Baba-Centre? In your bhajans you sing of Me as being the Ancient One. I am the Ancient One. But you have not finished your part of the thing merely by singing about Me. You have to live up to what you say or sing; this is the true meaning of your being My Centre. You must be very careful in your everyday life, about thoughts, words and deeds. Negligence in this respect will be dishonoring Me."


With a smile on His face, Baba continued, "One good thing that is common to you all is that you love Me and the second is that you quarrel among yourselves." At this there was a wave of laughter among those that were present. One of the workers said, "Baba, now there is an end to our quarrels. We work as a team." Baba appeared pleased to hear this but enquired if others had to say anything in this matter. At this one of the workers stood up and said, “To be frank, Baba, I wish to bring to your notice that there are still some honest differences of opinion, as regards the nature of work that we are doing at the Centre." "Yes, go on," encouraged Baba.


The worker continued, "Some from our group are of opinion that You being the Avatar, You alone can do the Avataric work. So they think that there is no need for them to work, in the way it is being done through the Centre."


"But what do you personally think about this?" asked Baba. The worker replied. "I to run the Centre and thus spread Your Name and Message of Love and Truth to the people."


Hearing this Baba said, "I am pleased with this frank discussion. Be what you are and do what you feel best in My Love. If some of you believe in Me as the Avatar, it is as it should be. But you should honestly feel it with all your heart. Now, if you take Me to be the Avatar, I pervade and become all beings, including you all. Then it naturally follows that those who believe Me to be the Ancient One must work, since I myself work. For one, who really has the irrevocable conviction that I am the Highest of the High, work is no work. It all becomes 'sahaj'."


Baba further explained:


"Work means to love Baba whole-heartedly; you should get lost in it, so much so, that you forget yourself completely. But such a love is a gift rarely received. If you do not have such love, obey Me implicitly. Carry out My orders, regardless of any comments from others. And you know what pleases Me. If this also is not possible try, try your very best to remember Me and thus love Baba. Run Meher Centers, sing bhajans and tell others about Me and My Message. And I repeat — Be sincere and honest to act according to what you preach.


(Continued on page 32)




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