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in the West were taking drugs, and added "If drugs could make one realize God, then God is not worthy of being God." This came with an imperative: "NO drugs." He amplified, saying that many people in India smoked hashish and ganja (marijuana), and that it shows them colors and lights, and makes them temporarily elated, but that it is a false experience. It simply heightens illusion, and serves as simply another veil over reality.


He said that "there are three types of conviction, that reading God Speaks can give intellectual conviction. This is the first type. But as God exists, you must see Him. Seeing Him everywhere brings conviction through sight. The third and highest type of conviction is Union, becoming God as God. This is the only real experience." Baba added that this is both difficult and easy. What is necessary is surrender (of the false self). He said that if I can do this, I must see God, and that He will help me to see Him one day as He really is. Being somewhat stunned by this, I alas neglected to ask Him when.


Returning to the subject of drugs, with emphasis on LSD, Baba stated that they are "harmful physically, mentally and spiritually", and that those who indulge in these drugs should stop, that the drugs bring more harm than good. And He added: "I send My love to them" (those taking drugs).


Baba drew the “uni-view” to a close by saying that He was happy I had come, and that He had drawn me to Him. He emphasized that I should remain determined to do what He said, about spreading His message about drugs to my brothers and sisters, and that perhaps one day the whole group of these contacts would come to Him. He concluded: "Do not pay visits to yogis or saints, or go to shrines, because there is no more need for this — I am God. My Word is Truth."


As mentioned earlier, when I left for India I intended to stay for several years. Early in meeting with Baba, He said: "Go back, because what you're looking for you will not find wandering around India or sitting in a monastery in the Himalayas (the two exact ideas I'd had, which I had not voiced), but you will find it in society with people, by trying to be of service to them and loving them." This made such absolute common sense to me, as it were, that I left India three weeks later, and returned to America.


I always find it difficult to translate into words the essentially non-verbal experience of being with Baba, but . . . Emanating from Him was an 'aura' of total peace, surely what is spoken of in The New Testament as "the peace that passeth all understanding". This is not something I understood when being with Him, but rather felt in the core of my being. There was no room for games or pretensions or masks; it was simply being alone with my Self, and being totally accepted — for what I am and am not. There was a love radiating from Baba that I can only call dynamic, a love that was not confined to that time and place, but is with me now, and that grows. There is no-one else He could be, except Who He says He is.

                                                                                                                                  JAI BABA!




Good Morning!


It was between 4 and 5 a.m. in the early morning that Babajan gave Me Divine Experience, and it was the same time when Maharaj brought Me down to normal consciousness. The members of My Circle too shall get Realization between the same hours, 4 to 5 a. m.

Meher Baba




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