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many of the older London lovers including Delia, Baba's younger brother Adi Jr., Hilde Halpern, Maud Kennedy, and of course Don Stevens — all shining examples of the Light of His Love. I had also been introduced to many of the newer lovers, delightful young people who showed me immediate openness and Baba-friendship which became more solid as I got to know them better.


On September 15th, I headed for BBC-TV where I had been invited to participate on a show called "The Question Why" which "just happened" to be on drugs that Sunday. It was the day of great rain and flooding in England; the spiritually-minded moderator of the show was flooded out and a politically-minded moderator took over. With 15 participants on the panel, it was somewhat chaotic. Literally I had to shout to get a word in, but talked for a couple of minutes and did utter a sentence about the Beloved. Interestingly, much of the discussion got round to spirituality and an Anglican priest happened also to mention the opening of the Baba Centre in London as a part of his discussion. What seemed to be a slightly frustrating program turned out to be a fantastic boon as I shall mention below. After the show, I was taken to a private flat in Hampstead where I spoke to 25 students and non-students, some of whom were connected with the "Anti-University" — an unorthodox educational orientation. They were remarkably receptive — I must have talked for four hours on mysticism and Baba in a highly charged atmosphere.


On the 16th there was an informal meeting of London lovers with the purpose of preparing a tape which later was typed and edited by Peter Townsend and written up by Michael McKInnery for publication in OZ, an underground magazine. This type of media was well covered considering the fact that another article appeared in the second "hip" magazine, the International Times (IT) before I even came to London.


On the 17th, I was told that the Beloved had been mentioned in the British edition of Vogue magazine (there has been a recent flurry in the mention of the Beloved in national magazines like Harper's Bazaar and McCalls.) That night I spoke at a gathering of 35 or so at St. Anne's Church Hall, in the charge of Father Leetch, the man who mentioned Baba on the TV program. It was a talk on the reasons for people taking drugs, attended by various professionals, government officials, etc.


On the 18th, I lunched with two BBC-TV producers, Shirley du Boulay and Oliver Hunkin, talking about the difference between psychedelic and mystical experience. A program on "Madness, Mysticism and Drugs" came to Hunkin's mind as he was producing the Question Why program. That evening at the Arts Laboratory I gave a talk called "The Art of Self-Discovery," presenting Baba's exposition of the Real Self — to about 80 people.


On Tuesday the 19th, I went again to BBC radio to do a 7-minute in-


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