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He gives us an experience, a little experience, just a little bit. But after a while we realize that the best thing we can do, and ultimately the only thing we can do, is to love him wholeheartedly, without any reservations, giving all. Through him we are enabled to step out, to crack the egg shell of the fraudulent little self and step into the open spaces, the freedom, the Beauty, the wander of the Beauty that he is. It is an act of his Grace. His Grace is ever in action through the constant outpouring of his Love.


Even great Saints know that eventually they must come to him and lay down their lives, their selves. He has the key, through him they find God. This he is able to do because he is God in human form. Through him they find the experience of a paradise beyond heaven, abiding here and now. Not a temporary experience, but something that is sustained and abiding. This is what he is here to give to one and all, the abiding experience of the dimension of his Divinity. What is the price? What a little price, a fraudulent little self and its false claims and demands!


I think we understand. It's a simple thing. In any chemical problem understand that we have to follow a formula. We follow this formula and we get a certain result. We can depend on it. The burden of proof rests with the seeker. We don't expect someone who has climbed to the top of Mount Tallic, and told us of the wonderful view of Lake Tahoe, to bring Lake Tahoe down here. We understand it. We have to go there and climb to the top of Mount Tallic to see this view. It's simple, we understand it. We have to make the effort. There is something we have to do. But how illogical people are when they expect God the Avatar to perform a miracle for them, thinking they don't have to do anything. See how illogical it is. We do have to do something. We have to become aware of our need, of the urgency of our need, of the immediacy of his Presence, of the possibilities that are open before us at this time. This is the rare good fortune of each one of us, to be incarnated at the time of the Avatar. He can respond consciously to us. He does respond. This is his work. This is our destiny.


It is very rarely that mankind is exposed to the impact of Divine Love, so by and large humanity is not prepared to receive, to react to, to grasp the significance of Divine Love in action.


I recall, especially, one day in 1954 when some sixty to seventy thousand people, from all walks of life, from all religious backgrounds, gathered together to have a personal or physical contact with Baba at Wadia Park near Ahmednagar. Baba sat there on the edge of the platform as these people crowded toward him and filed past him. Many of them brought fruit or bouquets and garlands of flowers to give to Baba.


As they passed by him, Baba gave each one a handful of sweetmeats. Many bent over to place their heads on Baba's feet, young women held forth their babes


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