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Thus we may assume Baba accomplished much through gross means in the alchemy of the soul.


Again Baba reminded us that we were staying too long, but still he would not let us go. Instead, he sent Phyllis to be with the women and he kept me with him. So I took the opportunity to place myself more directly in front of Baba so that I could watch his face as he talked to the mandali. They did not converse in English and thus my mind was not distracted from his form and expression. From time to time he would bring his attention back to me with a question or just a look.


All of a sudden his hand came out to me with a glass of something to drink. It had the look of wine. As I took it, Baba said, "I want you to drink this; it is the water which I saved from my breakfast to share with you " As I drank it down I noticed the sweet flavor and was reminded of Christ changing the water to wine. Baba answered my feeling with the information that sweet syrup was added to the water.


And my darshan was complete... "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life."


Thus Meher Baba, the Christ, the only begotten Son sent by the Father into our age, left not a doubt in my mind of the immeasurably good fortune that had come to me this day. I had his grace, his blessing, his love, and his promise forever more. Even if I never see my Master again, I am convinced of what I have received, and what is mine to have—that which belongs to every pilgrim, if he has the heart to win it. Baba says, I think with a bit of remorse in his heart, "I come for the many but I am for the few." And I am reminded further of Baba's statement in Beams, page 39:


"God does everything and in another sense does nothing. Although God does nothing, those who approach Him with love and surrender derive everything that matters in the spiritual realm, even though He does not do anything in particular towards them. God may be compared to the sandalwood. It continually emits a sweet scent in all directions, though only those who take the trouble to go near it have the benefit of its charming fragrance ...It is available to each and all who care to come within its range. Thus the sandalwood gives in one sense, and in another sense it does not give"


Wherever I am as I travel through life, my consciousness is pulled by the restless feeling, "got to go." But here at last that pull had lost its hold. There was no place to go. We are all on our way as pilgrims to the center of creation, the center of ourselves. And here I was at last at Om Point. For it is said that India is the closest to the Om Point. Astronomically, this makes no sense at all. It only makes sense once we have come to feel Meher Baba 's presence as the center of everything.


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