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He lives a dual role of strength and weakness simultaneously. As God He displays Infinite Knowledge, as man He displays infinite weakness through infinite suffering for those who are in ignorance and who conceive this world as real. As God He is Power Infinite and Bliss Infinite, but He does not utilize these. He clothes His bliss in the garment of suffering. The Avatar suffers not because of any karma ( past deeds ), but because He takes upon Himself the suffering of the world which is the result of its karma. Man finds redemption from his karma through Baba 's suffering. Although His suffering is human, it comes of the Godhood which is beyond our understanding. He dons the garb of a human for Love's sake, and does not spare His body for its own sake. Last year He said, "What could be more glorious than My suffering for all humanity?"


In spite of his pain, Baba came on the dais in the afternoon at 3:40. Lovers from Bombay, Bhavnagar and Nasik were to have His darshan. Baba seemed to be in better spirits this afternoon. Arti was sung at 4:30 and Baba left the dais in the usual manner.


6th May .


Baba came to the side room at 7:05 A.M. Eruch showed Baba the first three copies of the Marathi translation of The Everything and the Nothing . Baba signed each of the copies.


The two ministers from Andhra came with their families and Baba posed for a picture with each family, at their request.


Turning to Harry, Baba said, The pain in My neck and hip is very much. I suffer not for myself but for you all."


One girl of about five came with her parents for darshan. Quite boldly she said to Baba, "Come to Ganeshkhind (her home)." Baba replied, "I am already there. " Baba then comforted her saying, "I will come one day."


At 7:45 Baba was on the dais. This was the last day of the sahavas. Mr. Shinde garlanded Baba. Baba presented the autographed copies of the Marathi translation to the three translators who had helped.


One lover had brought a small cocoanut tree and some cashew nut seeds from Andhra. These were touched by Baba and they were to be planted in the compound of Meher Hall at Poona.


Today, Ahmednagar and Poona lovers were to have darshan. Besides these, and lovers who had not yet had darshan were allowed to come to Baba. Many were tempted to come a second time but Baba would point them out in the queue long before they could come near him. Many people from Poona came in for darshan. Baba did not want the public. The sahavas was meant only for his lovers. He asked the people to take darshan quickly.


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