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the whole burden on my shoulder. I was on the point of paralysis in the car, and I could hardly move my arms. I did not even tell Adi, who was driving. I am Infinite Bliss and Infinite Suffering. It is all Me — all One. Free here (pointing to himself) and bound there (pointing to us). All-knowing here and ignorant there. None but one loves Me! Guess Who? Baba loves Baba, through everybody.’


"Baba went on to tell of a similar experience in Meherabad when he had a very severe heart attack, trembling, shaking and perspiration, due to world conditions. The Ashram boys saw it; one of the group asked him, 'How do you stand it?' Baba answered on the board, 'I have to stand it all, even if the whole world turns. It is my work and I must stand it.'"





Baba having already told us to write down any dreams we might have the following night and give to him the next day, continued this subject by saying: "I will one day explain all about dreams.* There are 7 kinds, some are due to indigestion — (laughter), — the 6th has no meaning, the seventh has significance."


Baba now remembered it was Norina's birthday and we suggested the birthday cake, with its lighted candles, should be brought in from the dining room to be divided by him among the group. This done, Baba took the remainder of the cake into the kitchen and distributed it to the staff.


Later followed a talk on general matters as listed below; and instructions concerning Garrett's months travel in India and abroad, which meant the postponement of the magazine until six months later. Baba turned to Malcolm and said:


Point 1: "This doesn't mean that during the next six months you don't work. I definitely want this magazine. You go on with the work for it while Garrett is away. You don't need to travel in India. Once this magazine is started it must not stop and it must be very good."


Point 2: "I said in March there will be one thorn. This means real work starts in April."


Point 3: “Thorns that come up against me mean against us all. Now in April if we are all safe and still alive, we start work. Life can be both dull and exciting. It is now dull for you. After March it will be exciting. By the end of March you must all be very well to work."


*See "Listen Humanity," page 116.




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