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outpourings and get adjusted to the tremendous fact that he is in our midst as our Saviour.


But even for those who are actively responsive only to the gross plane, Baba works wonders in the invisible realm of the spirit. By one touch or glance or a disarming smile, which the gods would treasure, or through a gesture which transmits immeasurable spiritual power in one second, he bestows on those who love him the deep tranquility of the fathomless Beyond. He is ceaselessly performing this miracle of lifting the confined spirit of man from separateness to unity, from boredom to fulfillment, from bitterness to immortal sweetness, from the agonizing conflicts and fears of mutual distrust to the unassailable peace of the unchallengeable truth, which puts an end to all sorrows. His "say" of silence carries its own irresistible authority, initiating the human psyche into the truth of the one life, that knows no shadows or sorrows of separative illusions.


Meher Baba at times descends to our plane of duality, participating in prayers like earnest seekers of truth. Humanity seeks the unaging truth of divinity; and he has come to win over humanity to this truth. So, like the prophets and Avatars of the past, he confirms the mystery of God, who is the Most High, becoming the slave of his lovers. He accepts self-crucifixion and infinite suffering for the sinning, erring, groping, struggling humanity. Though God in essence he has taken on himself the limitations of man. His round-the-world tours have set up a tide of new life giving impulse, restoring man to his own inalienable divinity. The two auto accidents in which he got involved are only symbols of his taking upon himself the universal suffering, resulting from the collective karma of relentless ages. His vicarious suffering redeems man from the ominous whirl-wheel of one folly generating another.


His spiritual work in connection with thousands of Masts or God-intoxicated souls on differing inner planes has no parallel even in history. The Masts are his lovers of the inner world. But Baba-lovers in the outer world also can live by his assurance (given in the Meherabad Sahavas of 1958): "Be brave. Myself and you are one. The infinity, which is eternally mine will one day belong to every one of you." In our vexed age of atomic bombs and ballistic missiles and unrelieved mutual distrust, the world is no doubt going through agonizing uncertainties and fears. But our strength is the knowledge that the Avatar is in our midst. Let us surrender all ego-resistances and partake of his Life Eternal!




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