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machines makes no noise. It is calm, warm, gentle and peaceful expanse of Silence. From that mysterious silence, the silent Sun emanates as the architect of the world we live in. It silently draws up the sea-vapor, spins clouds and causes to pour down the blessed rains that paint the earth green and gold. The silent earth smiles silently, bringing out from its deep silence, plants and trees to sustain life here. The silent electrons silently descend and activate the electronic age.


Sages of Silence emanate in this age of mechanical noise. Their words are sparks of the supernal voice of the soul. It was during a silence of over a quarter of a century that I was able to taste the fountain of grace and bliss. My songs are reverberations of the silent symphony of the soul. Silence saves energy, silence restores inner peace; silence of the mouth silences the wandering mind. The temper is balanced day by day by silence; the soul is awakened by the gentle music of inner silence. The bees gather honey in the peace of the rosy dawn smiling with fresh blossoms. Trees take root in the silent earth. The poet's inspiration is kindled in silent inner communion. The painter and sculptor achieve their masterpieces in the deep silence of aesthetic concentration. The joy of lovers is born in the wordless silence of inner ecstasy. The heart opens when the mind is hushed. Meditation comes like sleep to a child and divine intuitions flash brightly in the peace of dynamic meditative silence.


III. Emperor of Hearts


Our beloved Master is a master of supernal silence. Baba's mind is a laboratory of spiritual Silence sparking out the inner fire and radiating the soul’s mystic dynamism. He is the unique one who has silenced the tongue, thought, pen, and all means of outward expression. He has silenced all desires. He has renounced all attachments. Out of this Silence rises a force, a Brahmakaram, which awakens your mind and heart to a delightful current which you would feel when you silence your mouth and mind. I have seen more than fifty Mahatmas in my life and meditated with them. But I see in our Beloved a thrilling current of supernal peace and joy full of psychic warmth of divine love and light. He is a Presence and a Power.


Meher Baba's Silence can be understood by Self-Silence; His peace can be received by peace of mind. The thrill of His Presence can be felt only by the absence of your "I" and "mine." That "mine" shall reveal its treasures only when this "mine" is sacrificed. When there is none and nothing in you except Baba, then Baba shall be everything for you and in you.




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