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is that the limitations of consciousness gradually wear off till it (consciousness) is free of all limitations. Ultimately, consciousness, totally free of all limitations, experiences the unlimited reality eternally. Real dying is equal to real living. Therefore l stress: Die for God and you will live as God.


Baba commented: "You are first a child, then grow old and drop the body, but you never die and never were born. In the East, Vedantists believe in reincarnation, in innumerable births and deaths until one attains God-hood. The Moslems believe in one birth only and one death only. The Christians and the Zoroastrians the same. All are right. But Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Zoroaster, all meant what I mean by real birth and real death: I say you are born once and die once.


"All the so-called births and deaths are only sleeps and wakings. The difference between sleep and death is that when you sleep you awake and find yourself in the same body; but after death you awake in a different body. You never die. Only the blessed ones die and become one with God."


The discourse on "Fana" was to be read. Baba preceded the reading by saying: "This is short but difficult. Those who cannot follow it, must not worry. It's nothing but words. Only love counts. If the most unintelligent one can love me as I ought to be loved, he is infinitely more blessed than the most intelligent one who doesn't know how to love me."



Fana is state of unconscious consciousness. In Fana soul is unconscious of everything except Self being God.


Before the soul loses its human state and gains the divine state of Nirvikalp, it has to experience the state of Nirvan.


Nirvan is the infinite unconscious state when the soul is fully conscious of real nothing.


Nirvan is immediately and inevitably followed by Nirvikalp or Fanafillah, where the soul is fully conscious of real everything. Nirvan and Nirvikalp are so irrevocably linked and tied together that each can be said to be the Divine Goal;


False nothing = Illusory everything
Real nothing = Neither everything nor nothing


Real everything = God the Infinite




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