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(Others, elsewhere, were preparing for the communal dinner that evening at "The Garden of Allah"). Don Stevens arrived first to give a little introductory talk about Baba to the group of 30 or so who had assembled to meet the Master. Then Baba Himself arrived at 4:45. He said at once through His own special "'mudras" or hand gestures, "I am very happy to see you all." Mrs. Fuchs introduced each guest to Baba as they stepped forward to shake His hand. Then Don read the messages "Have Hope" and "Ignorance of the Separative Ego." Baba asked Dana Field what he was writing, and gave an amused smile when Dana replied, "Notes for the Chronicle." He then asked Ivy Duce what she was thinking, and she replied, "I was wondering what you were thinking, Baba," and curiously, so was I, for Baba's eyes held an unusual expression.


He replied: "I was thinking that God within each of you is free, infinite, yet He feels Himself bound in each of you and therefore He suffers. I am infinitely happy, eternally blissful, yet I suffer every instant through you because I am in you all."


Ivy remonstrated: But why this suffering, Baba?"


He replied: "I experience that I am eternally bound in you all. Darwin, for example, has hands, eyes, fingers. When his finger is sore, he feels it, though it is the finger which is sore, not Darwin. So I feel all your suffering . . .because you all are in Me. Jesus Christ got Himself crucified. Though He had infinite power, He took on suffering and made Himself helpless for the sake of humanity. He felt infinite bliss, but also human suffering . . .He felt the suffering of all the world. I continually feel both infinite bliss and human suffering."


He turned to Mrs. Fuchs. "Where is that room?" (she had offered a room for Him to rest in before the dinner) but without waiting for a reply He went on to explain the nature of prasad, saying "In India it is accepted with great reverence, they know it comes from God."


He then gave a grape to the first person who came forward, saying "Eat it." Everyone, including the mandali, then stepped forward to receive prasad.


After speaking to Mrs. White and His hostess privately, and resting in a bedroom for a few minutes, Baba left for the "Garden of Allah." Here all the others were assembled awaiting His arrival. Place cards had




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