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An Important ANNOUNCEMENT to All Our Readers


POINT No. 1: This Issue, No. 4, ends Volume IV, and therefore it is time for most of you to send in your new subscription for next year.


We hope you will do so promptly - - TODAY


Because otherwise we have to spend our precious Awakener pennies to send you a reminder slip . . . pennies we could use to give you more Baba pages . . . more Baba pictures! Please help us to help you!


POINT No. 2: If you do act promptly—you'll be the lucky recipient of Baba's beautiful new 64- page book of messages entitled "LIFE AT ITS BEST," bound in turquoise hard covers, edited by Ivy Duce.


These are the special messages given out by Baba on His 1956 Round-the-World Tour. Many were never read out and are therefore brand new to all. All of them have never been published before (they are not the talks, transcribed from the tapes, printed in "The Journey of The Heart").


This book of messages will then take the place of our Awakener Issue. Volume V, No. 1, Winter, 1957. Our next regular Awakener Issue will then be Spring, 1958, out in February. We are glad to offer you this $1.00 book in place of our 75c issue. It also helps our Awakener staff get out the Spring Issue conveniently, because we are all going to Baba's Indian Sahavas, in February, if Beloved "Babaji" so wills.


To Subscribers Only


BUT—our offer is limited, and will be on a first-come basis! So please mail in your subscription renewal now. Our subscription rate is $3.25 a year for 4 issues. Make your check or Money Order payable to:


Fred Winterfeldt, Treasurer
The Awakener Magazine
215 East 66th Street
New York 21, N.Y.


If you wish to help the work the Awakener is doing for the Master and His message of Love and Truth, we will welcome any donation you care to make. . . . Every little bit helps, from $1.00 up! But please mark on your check or money order how much donation you are making in addition to your $3.25 subscription. Thanking you in Baba's Love,






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