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To make clear to us the intrinsic worth of every human being He tells us, "God is in everything and everybody—you must feel in your heart of hearts that God alone is real, that He is the innermost self of all selves." He says this again and again in various ways—it is a basic statement in His teachings; for until we can really feel this we cannot understand the fundamentals of human relationships, nor know that when we hate or hurt anyone we are really doing it to ourselves.


Baba does not only talk of love, He enfolds all with the warmth of His own all-embracing love. Those who have met Him know the unique experience of being in the presence of someone who radiates pure love and who makes you feel that whoever you are and whatever you have done He really loves you and wants you to love as He does, and it is this love of Baba that melts the hard crust of our limited egos.


In one of His discourses Baba gives an illuminating description of what happens when we start to love. "Love," He says, "is essentially self-communicative; those who do not have it catch it from those who have it—those who get love from others cannot be its recipients without giving a response which in itself is of the nature of love. True love is unconquerable and irresistible, it goes on gathering force and spreads itself until it transforms everyone it touches." So I understand Baba to mean that we must love with no thought of self, giving and never asking.


Baba teaches that we should be practical in everything we do― that mans giving each task our concentrated attention and doing it to the best of our ability. He says we must not over-emphasize the material at the cost of the spiritual, or have spiritual ideas without putting them into practice It is balance between head and heart that is needed. To solve our social and individual problems we most eliminate self-interest. He tells us, "Creative leadership will have to recognize and emphasize that all men are already united with each other not only by their co-partnership in the Great Divine Plan for Earth, but also by virtue of their being equally the expression of one life." He wants brotherhood on earth to be a fulfilled fact.


Baba does not like us to criticize others. He points out that it is a destructive habit, and that we should first of all see our own faults and try to remedy them.


All aspects of the personality must be developed, otherwise we will be immature and one sided—this also means accepting responsibility for ourselves and our actions.




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