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nor involution, does not therefore have the same links of association to establish anew His Inner Circle with every advent. In short, whereas the Perfect Master establishes his Circle, the Avatar is directly allied with His Inner Circle, which is always the same in all His advents. With His descent on earth, the Avatar, as it were, brings along with Him the association of His Inner Circle.


The connection of the Inner Circle in relation to the Avatar may be compared to that of a man who directly associates himself with the fourteen parts of his own body: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, two hands, two legs, and the trunk of the body itself; plus the external genitals and anus that act as the appendage to the body as a whole. As soon as man is born, he directly makes use of these fourteen parts of his body, and these parts in turn respond to his dictates individually or collectively.


Similarly, with the advent of the Avatar on earth, His Inner Circle of the same twelve individualities and the appendage of the same two individualities directly begin to function, individually and collectively, according to the dictates of the Avatar Himself.


With every advent of the Avatar on earth, the 12 men of the Inner Circle and its appendage of two women, gather round the Personality of the Avatar, as the self-same 14 types of individualities. These fourteen different individualities, in the shape of different personalities, always occupy their respective offices, whenever the Avatar manifests on earth; and during and after the life-span of the Avatar, they—individually and collectively—function in the same way as their predecessors, who had held, and functioned in, the same offices of the Inner Circle during the past advents of the Avatar.


Therefore it would not be wrong to say that with Christ's coming again, come Peter, Judas, and all His apostles. But this can never mean that the very same Peter, or the self-same Judas, reincarnates again and again. These can never reincarnate, as all of the twelve individual personalities of the Avatar's Inner Circle attain God-realization in every Avataric period, either during or soon after the life-span of the Avatar.


Once God-realization is attained, reincarnation is impossible. The only exception to this rule is the Avatar Himself, who comes again and again to redeem humanity.




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