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and another programme at Sakori, where I went to lay My head at the shrine of My Master, and the program at Nagar on the 26th at Sarosh Motors Works, went off cheerfully.


"Then for the first time I asked Myself, whether I was the Avatar; and the clear and definite answer was 'Yes, I am the Ancient One, the Highest of the High.' Then I asked Avatar Meher Baba, why this rain—this inconvenience to the lovers who have come all the way to meet You! Avatar Meher Baba replied, 'Those who really love You would come with their heads on their palms, and this inconvenience would be a happiness to them.'


“In all parts of India, every year thousands of pilgrims go to pay their homage to the holy places and the tombs of the Saints and Masters, undergoing all kinds of hardships on the way—sometimes journeying long dis­tances on foot, and many die on the way from illness, exposure and contamination of disease, none of which deter them from their objective. How much more hardship and inconvenience you should be prepared to undergo therefore, when you come to the living Master! For, instead of the ordinary pilgrimage to tombs and holy relics of the past, you are gathered today at the shrine of the living Avatar, Meher Baba."


“Now after embracing you all, one after the other, for the last time, be brave and confess your weaknesses, because very soon I am going to destroy all the bindings of the religious ceremonies."


Everybody joins in a queue to pass Baba for this last embrace.


"As I am going to drop My body soon, this is your last opportunity to embrace Me. By God's Will may you all be worthy of My Love, and not sell Me."


While the queue was passing, one of the men, before he reached Baba, started sobbing bitterly. Baba was in great good humor, and was joking with many of those who came to Him, and patted many on the shoulder.


Disciples from Andhra introduced themselves and told how Jean's book "Avatar" drew them to Baba, and how grateful they were for it, as well as for this meeting and being here with us. Pleader came to greet us. Dastur was seated on the platform, repeating Baba 's Name. Nawal Talati's son, Kurshed, came to greet us.




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