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we truly desire the greatest of all treasure, Soul-liberation, it is within our power to achieve it, particularly with the help of the Master.


It is not, as was said, merely self-sacrifice (the means) that is important, but Self-devotion (the motive) which leads to God-awareness (the end). During the silence we repeat the name of God, praise Him, affirm His omnipresence, thank Him. Then God speaks to our intuition or reveals Himself in other ways. Thus we build God-awareness into our subconscious, so that even when we go about our affairs we hear the divine symphony.


The key to our life in God is harmony. Not merely balance in the philosophical sense of the Greeks' "golden mean," or "nothing too much." Nothing is too much if it is for God! Not man but God is "the measure of all things." In giving up life for God's sake, we find it, the Bible tells us. The ability to give up and give in is indicative of a lessening of Maya's hold on us, and therefore we are free to appreciate and apprehend the essential, the invisible values and make them our own.


It is not, we repeat, a question of eating, talking and sleeping or not doing these things, but rather of establishing in our minds what comes first, or harmonious living, that is, living joyfully, wisely, lovingly, peacefully and actively; and any choice we make that helps to align the physical, emotional and mental natures with the spiritual will root us more deeply in certainty and oneness. God's will is done in our daily life as it is in the spiritual nature.


The economics of spirituality is a process of purification of the vehicles to receive higher vibrations, alignment and unification towards one-pointedness and single-mindedness. Then we shall say with Paul: "To me to live is Christ " (divine consciousness). (Phil. 1:21). But such a supreme achievement does not happen unless we create the conditions within us favorable to God's action on us. By being a cause, we bring out our spiritual resources.


As we advance in the striving toward Self-realization we find that much of adult action and reaction is involuntary—we eat, sleep and talk from instinct with no thought of thankfulness or wonder at the meaning, or awareness of, the source of our blessings. Talk is a thief: our deepest thoughts are often "gone with the wind." We show off our wisdom, meddle in the affairs of others, and lose our peace because of what we say. The state of consciousness or attitude that misleads us might be called the "take-it-for-granted" devil.


Why do so few people succeed in becoming advanced disciples? Is it not because the average person prefers to see the universe through the




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