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sir. Just follow Him. Love Him as much as you can. Do your duty. Remember Him. And, with a Jai Baba to you all, I close this. Jai Baba.



Katy Irani


A most loving Jai Baba to all of Beloved Baba's dear children who have gathered together in His love. Remember that knowing of Baba and loving Him does not mean that all life's troubles are smoothed away, but it does mean that there is someone to turn to who loves us dearly and our love for Him should give us the strength to face suffering with courage and with equanimity. Baba, who is all bliss and love, came to earth and took birth to help mankind and He Himself took on untold hardships and suffering so try to love Baba more and more and hold fast to His daaman.


When my sister visited Babajan, she said, "Oh my dear child, a day will come when the whole world will say Meher, Meher. The trees will say Meher, Meher. Every leaf of the tree will say Meher, Meher." That is what she said. So, that is the message for Los Angeles. A day will come when the world will say Meher Baba, "Meher Meher."





Jai Baba. It's a pleasure again to talk to you. I hope you heard me in June when I was in Los Angeles when I told some of my anecdotes about life with Baba. My story is a story of worldly life. How to be in the world yet be with Baba always. He impressed upon me one thing. Do your best. Whatever it may be. Put in all your effort into everything and leave the results to Him. Baba told me then "To love Me is not so easy, not possible for anyone; to obey Me is more important." That one lesson that He gave me in 1929 that do your best, put all your efforts out, leave the results to me, I'm sticking to that and not worrying about the results. So you dear young men of Los Angeles, don't be emotional. You have to live in the world so do as the world does. Do your best, put in all your efforts and the result, of course, will be left to Baba. But many people are so emotionally upset that they think, “Oh, well Baba will take care of it." I’m not of that type. I say that we have to do it ourselves, that is our duty and then leave the result to Baba. Not sitting idle and well, Baba will take care of it. But that requires our implicit conviction in Him and it is not always easy going. The difficulties come. It is for Him to solve and we are to face it. At times, He puts us to test. Sometimes we find things are going so well. We'll do it and it does not happen. There our test lies what now we take Baba to be. So under all circumstances, if we are resigned to His will nothing happens. He takes care of it. And my prayer is always, "May I be worthy of His love!" I am not capable of loving Him as He should be loved. That is why I never say I love Baba, because I am not yet fit to love Him as He should be loved. I always pray, “May I be worthy of His love!" And I always say, "Baba make me fit to serve You as You should be served." Jai Baba.





Oh, Jai Baba to all Baba lovers in Los Angeles. I'm Jal, Beloved Baba’s brother speaking to you so lovingly and happily. I know that many Baba lovers of this group have been to India and that they take Baba's love overflowing in their hearts and when they return home, they should spread His love to India to pay homage to dear Baba’s tomb, I hope that you all will come here. Those who have not been to India are still like frogs in the well of illusion. How long will you be crawling the wall of illusion. Come to India and merge into His ocean of love and bliss. Give my love to all of you Los Angeles group. Jai Baba


(Song by a woman mandali member)


Jai Baba - the meaning of the song is, the more you love God, the more you can see Him. He came and




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