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is the cost we are paying for these experiments?


We do not see the binding that we create upon ourselves. If I am not able to live with one woman, I do not think I shall be able to live with another woman. That is the experience I have had - experience which I have gathered from others. There may be differences in human nature, but I tell you fundamentally, human nature is the same, everywhere in every person. We have to gradually adjust - if man only looks at the marriage through the keyhole of sex, he remains as narrow as that keyhole all his life, he can never expand, he can never grow at all. Marriage is really meant for two persons to come together, adjust to each other, help each other, fight with each other, but they should not think of parting. Live with each other, support each other, and out of mutual love create a love unity. If the two persons are Baba-lovers I say, "Love each other and give your united love to Meher Baba who has that higher love, so the day can come for you that He will be able to give you, through your mutual love, that Divine Love which is, once gotten, never lost."


Beyond the intellect there is something which we call love, it is embedded in every human heart. Baba's way of telling us something about God, telling us something about spirituality is entirely based on this love, which is there for everyone. It is not to be poured from anything outside. Meher Baba is in your heart all the time. But He is asleep because you do not wake Him up! We have to constantly remember Him and knock at the door of our heart to wake Him up. I don't mean Kundalini awakening - I mean awakening Meher Baba in your heart. Meher Baba is not a dangerous thing like Kundalini. One should not go in for it; persons who do have suffered so much; I know of many instances. If you wake Baba by constantly remembering Him and loving Him more and more, then He will wake you up in such a manner that you will never sleep again, you will remain always awakened in the Love of God. And that is Divine Love. That is why Hafiz compares the intellect with love: he says the position of that love is so exalted it is far beyond the borderline of intellect. If you want to reach it then there is one way - carry your life in your sleeve. That doesn't mean that I should cut my throat and put it in my sleeve. It doesn't mean that. Carry your life in your sleeve means be prepared to give up anything and everything. For Him, whom you love most, be prepared to sacrifice and then you will have a chance to go there.


But when we are Meher Baba lovers, even this doesn't apply to us because He is prepared to give to us. The only thing is we have to make it possible. We have to establish a sort of a bridge over which He can pass on His blessings to you. He is like a sun, shining equally on everything and everybody. But your mind shuts Him up in the house of mind and heart closes all the doors and the windows, and says "Meher Baba, I am in darkness, it is all darkness. What are You talking about light?" And Meher Baba all the time shouts at the top of His voice, "There is light, light - come out!" But He's not able to come out because He's closed in there, entrenched inside. Then something happens, Baba creates a small slit in a window, a streak of light comes in and then that person opens his eyes, "Oh what a beautiful light I've been missing all my life!"


So His blessings are always there with you: it is up to you to open up. That is why Hafiz says, anything that the Avatar or the Perfect Master says and you do not understand, do not say it is untrue but admit that you do not understand what he says, you are not capable of understanding. Now, we are caught between the devil and the deep, our mind and our heart. The mind wants to drag us to one side and the heart says something and we do not know what to do. And the body is also caught in between. Even Baba says it is really not easy for a man to keep his mind and heart balanced so both work in unison, so they do not try to contradict each other and create hell in your entire being, destroy your body, destroy your heart, destroy your mind, and destroy everything.


That is what the present humanity suffers from. There is a great conflict in the minds and hearts of all human beings. I do not say it of the U.S. alone, I say it of people living in India, people living everywhere. The suffering goes beyond even physical suffering. It is better to have a physical accident - break your leg, go through the suffering and be cured. But this conflict is not easy to be cured. It corrodes the entire life and the spirit of man. So why not avail yourself of the great opportunity that Meher Baba presents before you? "I am so set in my ways myself, my problem is that I do not want to give myself a chance and come out." That's why I say I am not afraid of any man coming and criticizing Meher Baba; I am not afraid of a




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