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19 times, including the various hospital stays. In spite of brain damage, Jean can astonish one with glorious lucid moments in which she seems to dwell in another realm. The reverse can also happen. Her eyes sparkle at mention of Baba, for yes, Jean has reaccepted Baba. Surely visits from Baba lovers have made impact in heart-to-heart contacts. In passing I mention Liam Mullen, because Jean was very impressed with the way he speaks about the Beloved and she listened to him more than anyone else.


"Jean was 90 years old September 21, 1982. She is now in a convalescent hospital in the Valley.


"The foregoing is but a scratch on the surface. What an incarnation, Jean's, what a way to go! In conclusion, and as I reflect back, I am grateful for the contacts with Jean Adriel. I thank Baba and Jean too for these insights in Baba's cosmic circus."


In 1952 Jean came to New York to see Baba. I was present in the room. I am not sure, but I think that was the last time she physically saw Baba. When I moved to California in 1960 I was invited by a small "New Age" group to give a talk on Baba. Imagine my surprise to find Jean Adriel on the program! She sang her "celestial" songs and played the autoharp. But she walked out when I showed a Baba film. I felt very sad. Outside the hall she had a book table for Soaring Sunward, a novel which is a thinly veiled autobiography. When I approached her she greeted me with her usual charm and said to give Meher Baba her love when I wrote Him. I did so at once. She also wrote Him a letter saying she loved Him but could not accept Him as Avatar. Baba sent me a copy of the letter and a cable for her:


'I love you and I am with you until the end.'


I think that says it all. Of course, no one "leaves" Baba. Where can you go? The whole world is Baba — only, clouds can temporarily cover the Sun, the clouds of our own sanskaras, and sometimes their thickness is uncontrollable. In telling Jean's story there is a happy ending. This most frail of the early women disciples is still alive at 90, and has turned again to Baba. her sunny inner awareness of His love and divinity breaks through in an amazing way and touches the hearts of those who visit her. Her book still draws new lovers to Baba.


For a postscript I quote her dedication of Avatar:


“To the living Christ whose beauty the very heavens can not contain

but whose presence may be found in every humble loving heart."



IV Elizabeth Chapin Patterson


She had a split second to decide. A car was barreling down the center of the road straight at her. Should she hit it head on, or risk her car overturning and veer to the side? A moment before, Baba, in the front seat beside her, had stretched out His hand. Perhaps this was her signal. She hit the car head on. It was driven by a paraplegic*driving for the first time, a car specially built for him.


Baba was thrown clear of the car, landing on His back in the muddy ditch. Mehera was critically injured by breaking glass. Mehru was injured and Elizabeth was crushed against the steering wheel with most of her ribs and both arms broken, and her shoulder dangerously cut. But she never called attention to herself until the others were on their way in the ambulance to the hospital, in Prague, Oklahoma. It was the morning of May 24, 1952. A moment of destiny for America — and of course for Elizabeth too. Years before, Baba, at Harmon-on-Hudson, had plucked a small pink wildflower and given it to her, asking her to keep it and remember the date. She pressed it in her Bible and found it years later. The date? May 24, 1932. She said "Through the experience of sharing Baba's suffering to a degree, I feel my life, instead of being nearly cut off, was extended for a purpose; the gift of the little flower was grace from the Master to be treasured in the heart.."


I find it interesting that Baba chose a woman to be at the wheel when this so-called


*wooden appendage on one leg from Korean War missil -JK webmaster




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