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Baba's Work with Women in the West



By Filis Frederick


In the early Twenties, Meher Baba predicted His work in the West would be done by women, and in the East by men. And so it has proved, for several decades, both in Europe and America. The strongest personalities and the hardest workers have largely been women, especially those He contacted during His trips to the West in the Thirties. Baba said before He left India for the first time in 1931, that He had to contact all the Western members of His Circle* before the Second World War.


I thought it appropriate that our 30th Anniversary issue of the Awakener be dedicated to these several unique personalities who did so much to acquaint the West with the Avatar of the Age, especially since I had the unique privilege of meeting and working with most of them.


I first met Baba’s "trio”, Princess Norina Matchabelli, Countess Nadine Tolstoy and Mrs. Kenneth (Elizabeth) Patterson in New York city in 1943. At the end of their stay in India in 1941, Baba had sent them West to work together to "spread His message of love and truth." They lived together in a duplex on East 67th Street. Norina gave the public talks on Baba, Nadine welcomed individual seekers, and Elizabeth quietly paid the bills. They were a unique blend of talent, temperament and nationality. Nadine was Russian, Norina Italian, Elisabeth American. When I met them I felt they were old and dear connections and became so close to them I was invited to live with them, which I did from 1944 to late 1946, when Baba recalled Elizabeth and Norina to India, just before the "New Life." Nadine had already passed away.


Actually, I met all three women "inwardly" before I even knew of their existence, or their Master, Meher Baba. I had seen a "vision" of a strikingly beautiful woman in a white turban fastened by a square amethyst, with handsome dark eyes that looked into mine. I had dreamed of a white-haired, blue-eyed lady in a beautiful white and gold room who said to me "Attendez le Maitre Parfait."** And again I had a waking vision of a woman in a large blue car who beckoned me to join her, — then we seemed to ride off on a spiral road into the sky! It was only a few weeks later that I very mysteriously got an invitation to hear Princess Matchabelli speak on "Love is the Solution" at a nearby hotel. There I met the other two and recognized them instantly. Nadine had the bright blue eyes and white hair, Elizabeth I found out later, had been Babas chauffeur many times, ― for example, on the blue bus tours. And Norina wore her fashion trademark, a white turban (Baba had predicted that one of the Western women in His Circle would wear a white turban).


I mention these unusual experiences because it was Baba's way of working with me in particular; for I have always paid attention to my dreams and visions, they had great meaning in my own development. I had studied Jungian and Freudian dream analysis as well as various types of metaphysics. To be drawn to these soul-companions this way was already a touch of the New Age awakening fostered by Baba. I shall always be grateful to these three women, for living and working with them prepared me in a very special way for meeting the Avatar. I cleared away some personal karma and learned some very valuable lessons in how to be with a super-conscious Being like Baba. In the West we grow up with so many misconceptions about the spiritual path. One learns, with the Avatar, Who is so unique in His way of working, to throw most of these out the window.


Later on, I met other outstanding women disciples of the Master, some of whom Baba declared were in His Circle: Margaret Craske, Ruano Bogislav, Kim Tolhurst, Jean Adriel, Delia De Leon, Hedi Mertens, Kitty Davy and Rano Gayley.


Murshida Rabia Martin, head of the Inayat Khan Sufi order, came to stay with us for many months, having heard about Baba on Norina's lecture tour to the West Coast, as


*Avatar Meher Baba Trust, Discourses, Vol 3, page 44: The Circle

 The Path of Love, p. 17;  How A Master Works, P. 451


**translation: "Await the Perfect Master " [webmaster]




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