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Bua Sab was Baba's first disciple. Baba then reminded us that He had said two men or one man and woman of the Circle would die before the war ended. This was the first one of Baba's closest — who he asked rhetorically, would be the second? I by car with Sarosh, Chanji and Agha Baidul to Poona that afternoon; they went to Bua Sab's funeral. Baba told me to tell all here — at Bangalore, about Bua Sab's death, and one more man or woman still to go . . . I got here last evening after a long journey, in a second class train, and today am settling in.


11/5/40    Have been going to Bowring Hospital at Baba's orders, going in for 100% surgery. Have done appendix and hernia since last week. Went to Byramangala yesterday with Adi Sr. Nine of the 12 houses are up to roof level . . . A storm the day before blew the roof off one of the builders' sheds. Padri seems rather fed up there, and wants back to Meherabad. Last Wednesday we all fasted till sundown in memory of Baba’s "deep spiritual connection" with Bua Sab, who was killed last week in Poona.


21/5/40    Murli who was called by Baba to Meherabad for a day, and who returned last week told us that Baba has ordered a seven-day festival (septa) in Arangaon temple to celebrate Upasni Maharaj's birthday. This is the first time such a thing has been ordered by Baba, and He says Upasni Maharaj will not see another birthday now: this is of course taken as a hint that Baba will speak in the ensuing year. I have had a little note from Baba saying I shall stay here with the Mandali in Bangalore till July end now: so that job Baba spoke of in July seems not to be required. We shall see.


Dr. Ghani tells the following tale of Manzil-e-Meem in Bombay in 1922. One day they were all sitting round, with Baba giving a discourse in the courtyard; suddenly a pigeon flies into the courtyard, falls at Baba's feet and dies within five minutes, though not wounded. Baba explains it brought a message from Babajan and the shock of so doing caused it to die. Baba buried the pigeon with great reverence and afterwards wrote a short poem to it in Persian, the original of which Dr. Ghani has in Baba’s own hand. Dr. Ghani's translation is as follows:-


"The royal pigeon has become the guest of the Divine Tavern.
How great a guest that it at once became the owner of the soil upon which it alighted.
Why and whence it came is a puzzle, but its coming portends our departure.
It went suddenly into dissolution as if it had never suffered birth or death.
Before its departure it bore wonderful tidings from the Beloved,
And the importance of that message cost the pigeon its life.
O Lord, you are playing a wonderful game behind the curtain,
Though self-manifest, your game is a riddle to those, who tho they have eyes, are blind.
From the kingdom of the birds, this royal pigeon has become a saint in their midst
and now lies buried in the precincts of Manzil-e-Meem.
Meherban kisses its feet in reverence."


Meherban, in the last line, refers to Baba Himself; He used to call Himself by that name in those days. In actual fact they all left Manzil-e-Meem three days later to go to Upasni Maharaj at Toka on foot. Though this happened in 1922, I thought it so nice an incident, worth reproducing here.


1/6/40    Eruch and Jessawala women arrived that night from Meherabad to stay here till October; here is the news he brought:- "Apparently a week before May 27 Baba




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