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It looks as if Baba will stay here, but until when, no one knows save Baba. Vishnu thinks that He must stay, because so much money is tied up here in the scheme, and others think He must stay, because of the opposition; if He walked off now it would be a fatal step, they say. Certainly the locals are a cool lot, as far as Baba goes. They don't seem to care about Him at all.


16/2/40   Today Baba has broken with the contractors after a long meeting with them this morning, at which all were present that were helping the building work but not Baba. At 2:00 we all went over to Baba, and the meeting decided to terminate the contract with the Mysore Engineering Co. and carry on the building ourselves. Baba says in June, some go to Byramangala, and some men stay at 4 Palace Rd., and Baba with some others of the whole party, go to Meherabad, when accommodation will be ready for all. Most of us think this is a sign that Baba will leave for Meherabad with all of us in June, or before, and this is His way of starting the move; the first bomb has burst.


At the end of this meeting, we heard Chanji's reply to Col. Irani's lecture, quite good. Baba gave me an orange for 2 corrections in grammar I made. He made me return two others I won, because Elizabeth discovered 2 others I had missed. Baba very cheery about the row, and doesn't mind it at all. In fact He seems pleased. I suppose He wanted it and He got it, as He always does.


I did an operation today and another one the other day.


19/2/40    Yesterday, although Baba's birthday, nothing exciting. We paid Him our respects at the "Links" at 8:30 all in our clean clothes, but He pushed us out of His hut after 5 minutes and then recalled us to say, that it was not the contractor's fault that the contract was broken, but because of Baba's own spiritual reasons. He told us nothing exciting about the coming year of His life. However, He was looking radiantly noble, with hair let down for once, and really glistening, He was a fine sight to look at, His phenomenal strength of character and His sort of mysterious spiritual beauty and radiance very much visible as He sat on His couch. Baba's face in repose is such a fusion of spiritual bliss and serenity and a sort of dragging sadness, which gives such dignity and grandeur to the face and really surpasses a scenery of nature, both in its amazing hold on the onlooker, and its rapid changes.


Baba has been living on milk only for the two days; tomorrow His fast on honey and water begins. Baba seems in a good mood these days. This morning He started by way of a joke, a Mast restaurant at the "Links", giving us all free cups of tea with the "Masts", who eat and drink at all hours of the day, and Baba panders to their slightest whim. This morning we all drove by car and bus to Lala Bagh, and Eagle Rock.


War now seems very dull these days, though everyone seems to expect things to begin in March. Baba doesn't seem to mention the war these days. I went out to Byramangala site on Monday with Baba's permission; so far it looks O.K., the highest wall about 4 ft.


28/2/40    Baba started His fast last Friday 23rd, and has been on honey water and lemon juice ever since. He is staying in the Mast Ashram, all of us men seeing Him daily. He feeds the Masts daily, and will not rest although He is fasting. Today He seems very tired. He washed the Masts as well as fed them, and massaged the fat old one who is on the 6th plane, all over. This evening Baba has vague pains in shoulders, neck and stomach, and teases Nilu and me because we don't tell Him what is wrong with Him. As




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