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We studied there for about 2 years. The period we were there was extremely good for us, and we were very happy. Gradually, our schedule was set up. At 8:00 p.m., we would sleep, and we had two people who would watch over us during the night. One person was on this side of the dormitory, and one was on the other side of us. If we had to go to the bathroom or anything, they would come with us, and if anybody would cough during the night, they would take the person's name, and the next day, they would take him to the doctor. Of course, all the doctors, hospitals, and teachers were all within the school.


Our school was outside of the city, and every six months, we would move. We would go to a place which was cooler in the summer, and then move to a warmer place in the winter.


The two people, who were watching over us at night, would not call out to us in the morning. They had bells with handles on them. When it was time for us to get up, they would ring these bells, and we would get up. If someone did not wake up, they would not call out to him. But, they would go over and ring the bells next to him until he would get up.


After we would get up, our attendants would bring out a box, which had a kind of powder in it, and put some of that powder on our palms. Then, we would wash our teeth, all our fingers, and our hands and faces. Then, we would go to the dining hall.


The dining hall was a big hall, where we had a plate, cup and a bowl. Everything was numbered; even the plates. Our suitcases and our clothes were also numbered. We would all go to our own equipment, for example, take our own cup, and put it in front of us. There was one man who had a kettle full of tea and milk, and he would go around and pour it into the cups. Somebody after him would serve chapel (bread). Everyone could have as much as he wanted of everything. If he wanted bread, he could have it. If he wanted milk, he could have it. If he didn't want anything, he was not forced to eat. Whatever each of us wanted, he would get.


After breakfast, we would go to the dormitory, pick up our books and our bag, and then go to the classroom. We were there until lunchtime. There were four languages taught in that school: English, Gujarati, Marathi, and Persian, and there were four teachers for that.


At lunch time, we would go to the dining hall, and we would get our plate, our bowl and our cup, and put them in front of us. Servers would come and take the cup and plate out into the kitchen, to serve us rice and dal. They would put the dal in a cup and the rice on a plate and put it in front of us. There was one man who would go around putting water in the cups.


After lunch, if the weather was not good, we would leave the dishes, just as they were, on the table. The cooks themselves would wash the table. But, if the weather was good, we would go out and wash the dishes ourselves. We would then go to the dormitory, where we would study until the afternoon. In the afternoon, we had a few hours of play. There was football, and cricket, and all kinds of games. The playing was structured. For example, the older boys would play one game, and the younger ones would play a different game. After the game was over, we would go back to the school and start our studying until the evening.


In the evening, we would go to the dining hall again. We would take our plates and things and put them in front of us. At night, we had bread and different kinds of stews, with vegetables and different kinds of greens to go over the bread. We would not eat meat. After our meal, we would go to sleep. Sometimes, Meher Baba himself would come sit down, and children would gather around him. We would follow him and play with him and hold his hands and feet.


One time, my fatter was there at the school, visiting me while one of his children had gotten ill here in Iran. Baba knew that his child was ill and he told my father that his son had died. Two days later, a letter came saying that yes, indeed, this had happened. There were very many things like that which would happen.




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