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praised her tea, "Ella's an angel." Then Baba said, "Even angels don't have this love for God. If they want to be realized, they have first to become human. When a person becomes God-Realized, he drops the body in one to three days." Baba continued, "Only a very few keep the body, but are unaware of the creation. They become Majzoobs. A very, very few, and those are decided by God, keep the body and are also fully God-Conscious and World-Conscious, they become the Perfect Masters. "But that is by God's Will."


Margaret Craske was there: Baba teased her about not caring about God-Realization. "Baba, I love Maya," she answered. "I think its beautiful, besides, I'd like to be with You again." Silently I agreed with her. As the Sufi poet says, "Wherever you are, Beloved, is my Paradise." Once I had painted Margaret’s portrait. I painted white light coming out of her third eye. She complained to Baba and He said, But she paints you as she sees you.”"


After the tea, for the girls' amusement, Ella turned on the TV to a baseball game. Just as we were watching, I think it was Mickey Mantle who hit a terrific home run. Mani stood up and imitated him, and we all laughed, Baba too. Then, it was time to go. Again. Fred stood guard so no men would be in the hall as Baba left with the women.


On another day, Adele and myself were invited to have lunch with Baba at Scarsdale. Of course this meant slipping away from work. We arrived in the Hartsdale* Station and sat there weaving wreaths of roses, a red one for Baba, a pink one for Mehera. Suddenly, we looked up — there was Adi. Baba knew we were already there and had sent him to fetch us! We came in, I put the red wreath on Baba's head, Adele put the pink wreath on top. Baba smiled, then He reached down and gave us prasad, a bit of candy. Mehera was massaging Baba's arm.


Ruano Bogislav, Baba's "eagle," was there that morning. Baba called her that because she used to make a cry like an eagle that amused Baba. She said she always felt close to eagles. She was the one who was with Baba when He got off the train at Albuquerque, and met the 6th-plane Indian agent. We heard the story from her directly: she said her one thought was "We'll miss the train!" This morning she asked Baba, “Is it true that certain substances hold impressions?" Baba shrugged His shoulders. "When you called me to come to India in 1936, I had no money!" She went on. "But with a friend I happened to go to a fortune teller, who said I should take off the old Chinese bracelet I was wearing and things would improve. She said it had belonged to someone who had lost everything in life. So I did, I thought why not? And almost at once, someone sent me a check for $500, enough for the boat to India."


Baba said (Mani read the board): "It is true, certain substances or creatures at the four "corners" (turns) of evolution hold impressions; certain metals, gems, black wool, cats, dogs. Not much should be said about it, because it creates superstition."


"Will I be with you again in India?” Ruano asked Baba. She was then in her late seventies, a big woman, with snow-white hair. deep blue eyes. The lover and the Beloved looked into each other's eyes, was it goodbye — for this life? Baba signaled, "Maybe." I recalled another incident Ruano told as. She had first met Baba in Europe, with her daughter. Baba was so solicitous of their comfort, and she asked Baba, "Why are you so kind to me and my daughter?" "Because you were kind to me long ago in Egypt." Another


*Hartsdale Station is on the border of Scarsdale, and closest to the house in Scarsdale so they got off there instead of the Scarsdale Station which is located at the other end of Scarsdale.-researched by jk, webmaster.




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