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up the thoughts on purpose.


So often, as I said, He made me tell my dreams of the night before. "Baba, I dreamt of an enormous turtle, and it had your eyes. Then of a gigantic snake, and it had your eyes. Then of a great tree whose top I could not see. I put my hand on its trunk and I knew it was you." "Now you see Me in everything — you need not fear anything," was His answer. Much later, I discovered among the ten incarnations of Vishnu, are a turtle, an elephant, a snake.


In another dream I am sitting with several others on a high parapet in the jungle. It is many hundreds of years from now. I say to the nun, St. Theresa, sitting opposite me, whose bright black eyes look so much like Kitty Davy's, "The Sufis have lost their 'Creation papers.' What is the right way to follow the spiritual Path — just to be a wayfarer, or to belong to a group, an order?'' 'Kitty' says, "There are always these two ways to follow the path. It cannot be solved until Baba comes again." Just at that moment we all turn and look: there is Baba coming up the steep stairs, a shawl wrapped around His head, His eyes sparkling, smiling at us. At that moment I woke up. Baba's car had just driven up to the Guest House. He was looking at me through the cabin window with the same piercing glance as in the dream.


Baba said, after I told this dream the following day, "Ivy* has done great work, and will do even greater work." Then He went on to say, His two favorite women saints were Saint Theresa and Saint Catherine of Sienna, and His two favorite men, St. Francis and St. Augustine. Then He added teasingly, "Filis looks like St. Theresa, Adele looks like St. Catherine." It just happened, we had studied the lives of these very four. We had found a beautiful wood-gilt statue of St. Catherine in the basement of the Metropolitan Museum.


We used to think it looked very much like Norina.


One morning — Wednesday May 14, I woke up saying to Adele, "I've been so good up to now! When am I going to be bad!" It was true that Baba had been sweet to us. One night we had been helping Kitty dry dishes in the dining room and the phone rang. It was Rano with a message from Baba: "Filis and Adele are not to do anything while they are His guests on the Center."


That morning the six women, Adele and I assembled at the Guest House for a walk on the beach. Baba looked different to me, a little stern. He was using a walking stick. He came over and tapped my right leg. Uh-oh, I thought.


It was beautiful on the beach. Baba walked swiftly on ahead. I saw His footprints in the sand! Ah! I started to walk in them. Somehow I caught up with Baba suddenly. He was bending over, laying His cane on the sand, pointing it southwest. He straightened up, held out His hand and opened it. In it was a shell. I heard His voice say, "Give this to Mehera." Without hesitation I walked back and gave Mehera the shell from Baba. She was so pleased. It turned out she was collecting shells to take back to India.


We two fell into conversation; the other girls walked beside us. Then I heard a lot of excited Gujerati. There was Baba gesturing, looking at me — what! Yes! His eyes flashing some kind of reproof. Mani translated: Why hadn't I led them back on the Path to the Center! It was late! — and Baba had appointments — it was all my fault! or so it seemed. I was stunned. It seems all the women waited for Mehera and Mehera was waiting for me to show her the path, and as for me I didn't know I was supposed to do anything! My mind went into a tailspin. What had I done! Baba was displeased! I didn't know the Path, what did that mean! As we walked through the forest, I saw


*head of Sufism Reoriented




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