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that we would be with him again in Italy. One day when we were discussing things, he said 'Learn to read me, for when you understand me, you understand everything.'


"He spoke to us of his close women disciples in India who led austere nun-like lives — 'gopis' as he called them. He said that we loved him the same way and that we would always have a special place in his heart. He said he was training us for the work we had to do in the future, and that everything that he said would come to pass.


"He sent Herbert Davy on in advance to Assisi, as he wished him to find a spot suitable for Baba to be in retirement. The night Baba left to meet Herbert, he was suffering greatly. Also, when he returned, he was suffering greatly.


"Stephanie Haggard arrived for a few days' stay and we all went in a large buggy for a picnic in the mountains. This was the first time Baba gave us wine to drink and he explained that if a Master gave his disciples wine, it had special significance and they should drink it.


We spent several days with him in Venice before he sailed for India. One night as we sat at a cafe in St. Marks Square, Venice, he said 'I am eternally crucified.' He seemed so sad and told us that when the burden was very heavy, he sometimes let his disciples share it and gave each as much as they could bear. Then he suddenly got up and made us all walk around St. Marks. Someone had to produce a pencil and paper and mark the number as Baba pointed and counted. He explained that the whole structure with its domes and pillars was an exact plan of the Avatar's Circle of 120 disciples. It represented his inner circle of 12 apostles, the Circle of the Avatar (Christ), which he had seen and counted; his outer Circle of 1O8 shown by the large dome and pillars respectively, which came just to this number. (A new chart has since been given by Baba in the Awakener, but this was the original diagram given by Baba in Venice.) Baba told us that Jesus had gone to Venice before the Crucifixion with some of his disciples, and that they had sat on the exact spot where St. Marks was built. Baba promised that we would see him soon again.


"At this period, I just existed for Baba's visits and hoped he would take me to be with him for always, I could not see that he was trying to make me face and understand myself honestly. There must be no escape from life into a pseudo-spirituality, to run away from facing problems and responsibilities. Of course, it took time for me to acknowledge honestly to myself that it was partly a desire to escape unsatisfactory conditions that was at the bottom of my wish. I seemed to have built up a false facade of pious morality which Baba was helping to break down, and I already sensed the beginning of a complete reversal of my attitude to life. Time and time again has Baba said that one mustn't divide life into compartments. It must be viewed as a whole and only by going through Maya or Illusion can one attain to Reality."


We will read more of Delia's account giving details of Baba's return to London on December 6th. But in the meantime:


Baba sailed with Chanji and Kaka at 4 P.M. on Saturday, August 20, 1932. Our party then broke up. Some of us, including Margaret, Delia, and I went to England. Quentin Tod was sent by Baba to Siena to study at the University there until Norina Matchabelli arrived from America. Then they were to go to Germany and various places to interest likely people in Baba. There were already waiting a number of people who were anxious to meet him.


Norina arrived from New York in Genoa on September 26th and from there they visited (together or separately): Venice, Florence, Argiano, Verona, Munich, Basel, Zurich, Hall, Berlin, Murano, Budapest, and finally returned to Venice where they met Baba on his return, December 2nd. During those weeks they met many people who were interested in Baba and who looked forward to meeting him. Amongst these were Professor Jung in Switzerland, and Einstein in Germany. A proposed tour was mapped out and everything seemed to be in readiness. However, when Baba arrived — what!!  All plans were changed.




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