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Letter from Mehera


Meherazad     March 10-71


Dearest Adele and Filis:


Jai Baba to you all, Baba's dear lovers at Meher Baba House.


The Mehermas Birthday card you sent, dear Adele, is lovely; the radiant beauty of Beloved's photo and the depth of truth and love in His message on the New Life touched me deeply. I received the albums you so lovingly sent; they shall be filled with Beloved's photos.


Dear Ruth must have given you first-hand news of her trip to India. She is a very sweet girl, full of Beloved Baba's love as were all the young ones who came. How much love Beloved Baba has given to the world that, without having seen Him, so many reflect His love. We feel they have received His darshan in their hearts.


One young couple from the U.S. who had met Virginia Patino in Goa returned to 'Nagar with her. They now love Baba very much and feel an inward satisfaction that this is the reason they had travelled East and were drawn to India without their knowing why and what they were seeking. In India too they had visited many places before their meeting with Virginia and their coming to Baba. In Meherabad at the "Amartithi" we felt Beloved Baba's love and presence in the love of all Baba-lovers we greeted.


On January 31 many woke before 2 a.m., bathed, and came up the hill, chanting Beloved Baba's Name and bhajans as they made their way to His Samadhi.* The Samadhi was bathed with sandalwood oil and rose water by a group of Baba lovers from Andhra. With love and reverence His lovers each in turn bowed down with their offering of flowers at the Samadhi of Him Who is Love itself. The Master's Prayer and Repentance Prayer were repeated in four languages. We also, in the bitter cold, waited outside for our turn to take Darshan.


The main programs commenced at 9 a.m. Baba lovers were gathered at Meherabad from all parts of India. Bhajan parties from various centers gave performances. In the night there was a fine quawali [sic]* programme given by a party of musicians from Secunderabad who love Baba. The first three ghazals they sang were specially composed on Beloved Baba. They were very beautiful. The main singer has a good voice, the kind Baba likes, and the program which began at 9:30 p.m. lasted till 2 a.m. We enjoyed the performance from first to last and felt Beloved Baba's presence very much.


These musicians have given performances every night at different Baba places or homes for 77 days up till February 25th.


In M'azad on the morning of Feb. 25th we gathered in Beloved's bedroom, before 5 a.m., as we have always done in Beloved Baba's physical presence. With our thoughts on Baba we repeated God's Name, "Yezdan," as we used to do standing before Beloved Baba. On the stroke of 5, the mandali in their hall and we in Baba's room simultaneously called out "AVATAR MEHER BABA KI JAI!" seven times. Then the Master's Prayer was recited and the arti played on the tape.


In M'abad when I bowed down at Beloved Baba's Samadhi it was also on behalf of all His lovers of East and West.


On our return to M'azad in the afternoon the school children of Pimpalgaon were invited here. They came 1,000 strong. From far off we could hear them saying Baba's JAI, louder and louder it sounded as they approached till on their arrival all M'azad echoed with the sound of His blessed Name.






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