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these things so that we remember well. These are guidelines. That 's how He comes into the world, to have fun with us, play with us, now and again, so we can gauge our lives from the Life that He lived. He gave those that followed Him in the New Life a complete list of do's and don'ts, yet we had to learn many things. We knew what Baba wanted us to do, but somehow or other, mind was still there, questions were there, but by His grace He immersed us very gradually in the process of 'Man-o-nash'—annihilation of mind—the question that was asked yesterday. As soon as (real) Man-o-nash is attained, naturally, there is nothing left, of you or of me or of mind or divine, there is just Beloved God knowing, realizing Himself as He is!


"So, this was all part of the New Life. I have given you a picture of it . . . Do you feel satisfied?"


A round of applause followed. Eruch said: "I will give the stage over to Lenny to continue the entertainment, then Adi will talk to us, then we will say the Prayer of Repentance in the presence of Baba as we used to do, and then I will recite the 101 Names of God, which Baba wanted me to repeat very often in His Presence. Then all of you may take darshan—and then leave."


"If you do not wish to bow down before the chair of Baba, why, then bow down to Baba in your hearts, while standing. There's no one who will ask you why you did not bow down, or why you kept standing, or why you turned your back to Baba. Nothing of the sort—it's your business with Baba. You are supposed to be His lover . . . "


"Each lover has his own way and if one bows down to Him, that does not enhance his dignity, or if one keeps standing in His Presence that will not lower his status. All that matters with Baba is love. How you express that love—is your own affair . . . Do not follow conventions. If you feel it's a ritual or ceremony, please spend some time with Baba, that's all."


"The usual way we express our love spontaneously with all humility is to bow down before the chair where He used to give darshan. It's not following any convention. We express our love to the Beloved of our hearts this way. It's a great privilege to share the Belovedness of the Beloved with you.


The first song today was a song from Oliver!: Anything for You—new words for Baba! Then Jay Falk sang The Ancient One, by Mike Thorne. Julie McNall played Begin the Beguine exquisitely on the violin. Again, Paul Morse, from Hawaii, favored us with a guitar solo. Ena Lemmon, in her Australian accent, read from "The East-West Gathering" by Francis. Chris Riger also read from it. Tommy Mauro, Gil Alvarado, render a song to Baba, then the sisters—Bernice and Benita sing Meher Baba is the Lord of Love,—appropriate tune, We Shall Overcome. The Rudds, father and son, do A Lotta Stuffa About Baba (pistachio rhymes with Mustachio), a few more group songs,—Jude, with new words; an original song by Scott Colt; Begin the Beguine sung by Pat Hawkes in which we all join in.


The speech of Adi is postponed—he left for Ahmednagar. Ronny Lane (of SMALL FACES) and Katie McKinnery from London were introduced as late arrivals.


Eruch said: "We will now join in The Prayer of Repentance, given by Baba. Baba said He has forgiven us all at the moment of Creation, the Lahar or Whim. Our drawback is we forget that we are forgiven, hence it's essential we continually say this prayer. "


Then the Prayer of Repentance is read by Bob Weston.


Eruch: "Baba has joined in this prayer and the Master's Prayer so often and has told us, the mandali, that His participation will help anyone who will repeat this prayer after he drops His body. There are 101 names of God. On January 14th, 1969, Baba called me to Him for these 101 Names of God and told me to repeat them in His bedroom at Meherazad. After each Name, Baba would just circle His fingers and say, 'So good.'" Then Eruch read the 101 Names. "Forgiver of Sins . . . Divine Creator rayed in glory, haloed in light . . . Awakener of Eternal Spring . . ."


Eruch: "Our brothers and sisters who have come over here—expressed their love in different ways. They entertained Baba and allowed us to share in it. Our hearts are full with love and gratitude to Baba. I'll just express my love and that of all the men and women mandali for all of you and say JAIBABA! I bow down to you all!"


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