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full month —; and He asked all the mandali to observe silence for one month, in spite of their duties. I had to work in my office. I had to go see people. I had to convey my thoughts by writing. At that time Baba said that He had planned 6,000 years ahead!"


"6,000 years?"


"6,000 years ahead," Adi affirms.


"And He said He always comes back?"


"Yes. He alone comes back. There is only one Avatar. All the other Perfect Masters drop the body and become One with the Great Spirit, enjoying the Beyond State of God forever! They are not connected with the illusion, the Creation, in any way. But the Avatar keeps His connection with the Creation, in spite of the fact that He dropped His body. But He takes rest, just as you and I work by day, and then go to sleep for seven hours. So the Avatar, having done His work rests for a while. The Perfect Masters who went thru the process of evolution, reincarnation, involution, and God-Realization, after they drop the body, they're disconnected for all time from the Creation — but not the Avatar.


"How long is this period of manifestation after He drops the body?"


"Ah. . .I'll tell you that tomorrow, or do you want to hear it now? (Yes?) That was only one part of Baba's declaration given in September 1954." Adi states he believes Baba has already broken His silence "In His Silence." Some one asked about Baba's saying three-fourths of the world will be destroyed. Adi said, "Yes, that's another question. But Baba, in His 'Clarification' of His declaration, said He speaks in three languages — 'one is my language, which you do not understand, one is your language, which you do understand, and the third is a mixed language, part of which belongs to Me and part belongs to you. So you only understand the part that belongs to you, not the part that belongs to Me.' So when you talk about the destruction of three fourths of the world, Baba said it was in His own language. So, I do not know what form the destruction will take. It could be the destruction of our body, or destruction of the world. But I think it's going to be in His language alone."


"Is it physical destruction?"


"Baba said it was in His own language. But he told me years ago, when he had gone into seclusion on a huge mountain, Angrish-Pahad, near Raipur, 200 miles from Nagpur, it was a mountain bounded by terrible jungles. . .2000 years ago the great Rishi Angarishi had meditated there for years. Baba selected that hill. Dr. Kerawala fixed up the arrangements and he stayed there with Baba for nearly a week. Baba was in seclusion for two days and on the third day I was on watchman's duty outside. I went inside and Baba's face looked very beautiful, glorious. Then in the evening He clapped His hands, and I went inside and he looked so haggard, so pale, exhausted. I didn't ask any questions. Then He told me, 'Three quarters of the world will be wiped out.' I was stunned. I didn't dare ask a single question lest I interrupt His flow of thought. Neither did He tell me anything. But I made a note in my diary of His statement."


"What year was it?"


"I think it was about 1944. I'm not very exact. Yes, it was in the forties . . . So it will go on developing, His work . . . "


Adi continued with his explanation of the breaking of Baba's silence. He likened it to the shooting of an arrow from a bow. . .which takes time to strike the target. In the case of a real arrow — it takes only a few seconds to reach the target. "But what about the work of God, who is the limitless ocean of truth, in His Avataric work for the Creation? Don't you think His manifestation needs some time to take effect? How long it will take I do not know . . . but positively I feel His work was in silence, He has released the force, — It will have an effect, there is no doubt about that," Adi affirmed. "Otherwise what was the necessity for the Avatar to have suffered so much — the Avatar who could get anything done He wanted? I really think that if Baba had not declared Himself as Avatar, He would have had a greater following. That does not mean He should not have declared it. . .and waited for a following. He came out with the truth because He was the Avatar. He was one with God. How could He have said He was just another man? Could I ever think


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