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the things that prevent them from seeing God. They would begin by being humble and selfless and loving. And they would start attaining complete purity of heart. This will lead them on to God more surely than any amount of barren argumentation.


People are not willing to part with their worldly attachments even for the sake of seeing God. They would risk their very lives and even die a brave death for securing the objects of the i r attachment. But they find it difficult to fast even for two days for the sake of spiritual advancement. This shows the firm grip which ignorance has on them. God will surely reveal Himself to those who are willing to welcome suffering for His sake. They have to be staunch in their determination. God will certainly come to those who have the courage to burn up all desires. Worldly attachments and entanglements may be carried on forever without leading you anywhere. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the seeker to be aloof from the allurements of this world. That is why the Masters of all times have, like Jesus, called: "Sell all and follow me."


When anyone wants an intellectual proof of God, what is sometimes desired is the performance of some miracle, giving a rude shock to the complacency of the ordinary man, who is immersed in the world and treats it as the ultimate and unchallengeable reality. But God is not to be confused with the supernatural world or its happenings. What miracles can prove is that there is something beyond the things in which the man of the world is fully engrossed. But they cannot bring him the vision of God. From unreality he moves on to another unreality only to be caught up again in the next illusion. And he will be nowhere nearer the Truth. The Perfect Masters have always treated the demand for miracles with disdain. They know the real goal of life and they are bent upon taking the world to that goal instead of catering to the idle curiosity of the worldly minded. They wish to enlighten humanity, not to astound it or stupefy it. If and when they perform miracles, it is always for leading men on the spiritual Path. It is never for self-display. The only miracle which for them is really worth doing is the miracle of making man realize that he actually is the Truth.





"Those who love Me with unswerving love will always have their love reciprocated in full measure." — Baba

— from a letter from Dadi, Eruch's cousin (1967)


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When I speak that WORD, words will have meaning."


"I am the Ancient One. The time is fast approaching. Hold fast to My Daaman. You are very dear to Me.


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