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around and much correspondence, the idea came that, taking everything into con­ sideration, London would probably be the better place after all!


The house I now write in, where Baba had twice stayed previously, was large and central and might be suitable. I approached my parents and said we could pay ten Pounds, ten for the week, and this would enable them to go to Eastbourne, a seaside resort on the southeast coast. They amazingly agreed and I cabled Baba. He replied: DELIGHTED AND MOST HAPPY TO ACCEPT HOSPITALITY AT YOUR HOME.


Again we all felt thrilled and started planning afresh. There were some who were not over-thrilled with the news that Baba was going to spend a week in town instead of going straight to the Retreat in Devon again. We did not interfere in any way, but left it up to Baba to settle his timetable with Meredith Starr. In spite of continuous requests from that quarter to get Baba to break his promise and change plans, Baba remain­ed firm and spent ten days in London. The maids, Elsie and Evelyn, were delighted; as they loved Baba. Mother, before leaving home, left a week's complete menu for the fourteen of us. Baba brought with him: Adi Jr., Behram, Dr. Ghani, Kaka, Chanji, and Adi Sr., and 'Kimco' numbered about six. We hired a car for the week for Baba's benefit. At least 100 people came to see Baba and he saw them each morning from 9 A.M. on. The Paramount Studio came twice to take a picture of him sitting on the seat in the garden. They wanted him to speak but instead, he dictated his message* and Mr. Purdom read it aloud in the garden.


Message to Paramount Newsreel on arrival in London on April 10, 1932, read by Mr. C. B. Purdom, Editor, EVERYMAN, London:


My coming to the West is not with the object of establishing new creeds or spiritual societies and organizations, but is intended to make people understand religion in its true sense. True religion consists of developing that attitude of mind which should ultimately result in seeing One Infinite Existence prevailing throughout the universe; when one could live in the world and yet be not of it and, at the same time, be in harmony with everyone and everything; when one could attend to all worldly duties and affairs and yet feel completely detached from all their results; when one could see the same Divinity in art and science, and experience the Highest Consciousness and Indivisible Bliss in everyday life.


I see the structure of all the great and recognized religions and creeds of the world tottering. The West particularly is more inclined towards the material side of things which has, from untold ages, brought in its wake wars, pestilences, and financial catastrophes. It should not be understood that I discard and hate


* through his alphabet board


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