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He is Kutub—the Central Sun of our time We are all His planets, some near, some far, but always with some side turned towards Him and some side turned away. Our orbits must all bend to Him, yea or nay. Because He is the spiritual Gravitation-Point of our time, our cycle. All men must stand consciously or unconsciously in some relation to Him. Better let it be closeness, fire, motion, music, witness—rather than coldness, distance, negation, dull-wittedness.


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0 lovers of God, unite in this chorus swinging about Him! He has come down, and though He will come again, and again, His joy is in being with us now—in being loved by us now. So let our joy, too, be in Him now—in being with Him now, in having and in tasting Him now; above all, in loving Him now, when He can be happy in response! He is now Man, now Sun, now Noon of grace: let us open our hearts to Him and receive His full radiance! What else can ripen this hard fruit of the self—or husk its aged shell?



By Irene Conybeare


Thousands of words are written to diagnose the malady afflicting homo sapiens, but who can give the answer? We must look below the surface into the inner troths and inner realities, into the laws which govern man and the universe.


If there is any way to save sick humanity, will not a change of heart, a push in spiritual consciousness be necessary? But we believe in Omnipotence, for no human agency can help us in a disaster of unlimited dimensions. These are paralyzing questions. But all thoughtful people are aware that the world crisis is deepening and chaos and confusion are spreading.


Born into a rationalistic Oxford family, I was not interested in religion. But the sadness and horror of the First World War, and the loss of so many young and brilliant comrades, cast a shadow over my life. My father and some of his colleagues thought that our civilization was doomed because man's intellectual equipment was outstripping his moral and spiritual development. They felt in fact that unless some form of spiritual compensation could be found, our civilization could not last.


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