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behold a few days later another eleven passes came in the mail. Mother realized that these were the result of earlier efforts given up as hopeless. She phoned, offering to return them. In a tired voice the man said, 'Please, lady, keep them . . . by all means, keep them!"'


Coming up from Myrtle Beach to New York on May 18, my pass was soon certified after an interview and photograph, then Jane took me over to Baba's "corner" or booth (as I will now refer to it) for the first time.


Among the first passers-by was a Lutheran pastor's wife who came and sat in the booth, read the folder carefully, and said she liked many parts of it. She bought God to Man and Man to God and came back several times, bringing with her others of her denomination. She felt something of Baba's Love.


The next visitor was a man most interested in the photographs of Baba, especially the one of Baba washing the leper. "What was leprosy? What had Baba to say . . . was there a cure?" I recalled Baba's words, "A beautiful soul in an ugly body." Also Baba had said: "When you wash and tend the leper, feel that it is God Himself you are serving." I told him that Baba's work was not so much the physical miracle, as the awakening of one's consciousness to the Truth that all are One. He took the Message, read the few lines under the picture, looked again at Baba washing the leper and went off.


Many stopped by the booth this day; we reckoned that one out of every three who passed took the Message offered. At least 150 to 200 Messages were given out daily at the beginning, but in the following months this number was more than doubled. Out of the many who accepted the Message, some paused longer, sat, asked questions and looked at the books by and about Meher Baba.


A lady stopping to look at the books in the right case, recognized the book God Speaks, and came up to the desk to say so, stating that her friend in Huntington, Long Island was studying it with her church group. I was surprised, but she continued that this was so; that her group was studying the different religions. I gave her the Message, also New Humanity and Sparks to take back to her friend as well as the book list.


The book list was Ivy Duce’s idea. In it were mentioned all books by and about Meher Baba with a short commentary on each and the price. Elizabeth devoted many hours to the final preparation and to having it printed. It has served a good purpose. Thousands of these have been given




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