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everywhere, — even now. Though fully conscious, — you are not conscious that you are everywhere, because mind always has the natural tendency of losing itself. Clear?"


"Mind always wants to go, so in sleep you go back — and when you wake up you feel fresh — but again after working it again wants to lose its identity in the Infinite." Further questions and answers:


Q. "What are dreams?"


A. "Dreams are subconscious experiences which are always linked with your gross experiences of the past. Sometimes in your dreams you see persons you never saw in this life. This link is from the past. It is all based on illusion and imagination. So everything except Real Self is based on illusion."


Elizabeth inquired "But how was it that when I was twelve years old I dreamed of you three different times in succession and when I first met you, years after, I recognized you as the one I had known in the dreams? — that was not an illusion?"


A. "What I mean is everything except your being Infinite is illusion. I am very ancient. Very, very old and always young."


January 30th. Life appeared to be marching along more smoothly, with all trying to live more harmoniously together. Hence we were rather surprised, when on the last day of the month Baba called us together for "A Matter of Great Importance."


The day started with Baba taking us all to the cinema for a special performance at 10 A.M., followed by tea and cake served at 11:30 A. M., — home for lunch at 2, and by order of Baba, no afternoon tea. Instead, a conference on



"A Matter of Great Importance":


". . . Take all that I say seriously. It is vital. I have not yet started work on you. I waited to see how everything went on here during the first month. Now today certain things have to be decided. Be honest in your replies."


One of the Eastern groups then spoke for Baba, clarifying the matter under discussion, and said: "During the past month since we have been living here together there has not been the harmony amongst us that Baba had hoped to see; and as things are at present, he cannot carry out the work he intends doing. Either we must live harmoniously together and help Baba in his work or the Ashram must be disbanded and Baba must do his work alone.




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