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Everywhere there was a pervading aroma, heavy, fragrant and soothing. They journeyed without any mishap until they were very near their destination when they got a flat tire. They set about changing the wheel and it was then that some lovers from Nauranga came along in their car to receive them. One of the party confessed that they had started late and she had prayed to Baba to delay Viloo and Sarosh on the way so that they might be able to receive them at some distance from Nauranga. Her prayers were answered resulting in the flat tire of Viloo's car.


Viloo was wondering what sort of temporary accommodation had been improvised for them and whether there would be an enclosed bathroom — or would she have to have a bath beside a well as is customary with villagers, and whether she would have the luxury of even a hole in the ground for a toilet. They reached Nauranga and were accorded a warm welcome. Big deluxe tents had been pitched for them! Was it a dream or a reality? Baba lovers showered their generous hospitality on them. The atmosphere of Baba love was so exhilarating that Viloo and Sarosh quite forgot themselves. It could rightly be said that love of heaven was let loose on earth. Viloo said that Sarosh always carried his "portable office" with him everywhere he went, but at Nauranga he never thought of his business nor of his children. Three days were spent in perfect bliss. Sarosh broke down with the love that was poured all round him and would be seen several times a day weeping in some corner.


The last day of their stay was really remarkable. All the women, children and men wanted to embrace Viloo and Sarosh. The very thought of embracing thousands was shocking. Two long queues were formed — Sarosh began embracing the men, while Viloo embraced the women. Viloo said that she rarely wept even on grim occasions when her near relatives had died, but now she also broke down. She forgot her status and her clean clothes and began embracing the slovenly, ill-clad women and children. She did not pay heed to their disheveled hairdos and the patina of dirt all over them. Tears rolled down continuously for about four hours while she embraced thousands. Sarosh could hardly stand for he wept and wept and wept. After all had been embraced Baba's words rang in Viloo's ears that His embrace would be carried to thousands.


After the celebrations at Nauranga were over, they were taken to Meherastana where Baba had stayed in a small hut on a hilltop and had declared publicly for the first time in 1952 that He was the Avatar of this Age. Viloo said that the love-surcharged atmosphere at Meherastana was




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