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near Baba. Baba said, "Whether you stay near Me or away from Me is not what matters. What matters is whether you remember Me more and more, and know that I am God in human form. Kaikobad (one of the mandali) sees Me wherever he may be, but to see Me and become Me are quite different things. It is better for you not to stay near Me as you want, for if you do there will be no peace of mind (shanti) for you, but on the contrary there will be non-peace of mind (ashanti)!" The lover protested: “But Baba, there is no peace in worldly life either," to which Baba remarked with a smile, "If there is no peace in leading a life in the world, you can at least look forward to Me. But if you are with Me and lose your peace of mind, where will you go?"


Baba then explained some of the idiosyncrasies of Perfect Masters. He said, "Sai Baba used to say 'Allah Malik hai' (God is Master), and then ask everyone for money. Every evening he would distribute this amongst those around him. He would smoke a 'Chilam' (clay pipe) all the time and pass it round to all who were close to him in his love. He would have a little opium in the 'pan' (betel leaf) that he ate. Every evening there would be a Qawwali program during which he would sometimes snooze. Gustadji (one of the late mandali members) went to Sai Baba, who asked him for all his money. Gustadji had no food for days on end as he had no money. He had a shawl and when he decided to sell it, Sai Baba at once asked him for it! When Sai Baba passed away, Gustadji joined Upasni Maharaj. Upasni Maharaj then transferred him to Me and he stayed with Me till the end of his life. When Sai Baba used to go to attend his usual call of nature, a grand procession with a musical band would accompany him. Considering Sai Baba's peculiar habits, who would say that he was a Perfect Master? But he was incomparable, and he had the most lustrous and powerful eyes I have ever seen. Babajan never had a bath for many years! She used to sit and sleep in the open without having any shelter; she remained exposed to the seasons; she would go to sleep at 3:30 a.m. and get up to 4:30 am. as soon as the tea shops opened.


"Upasni Maharaj for some months used to sit with Me daily from midnight till morn. I used to eat a lot of 'pan' and tobacco then. I used to drink a lot of tea also. Maharaj had ordered Yeshwantrao to cater to all My needs. Upasni Maharaj once said that he had given 'The Key' to Me. Later he himself started talking against Me! Then just before he died, he wanted to see Me and we met at Dahigaon village near Sakori. He told Me to keep My Nazar (sight) on Sakori (his ashram).




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