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he never glanced at those who were seated in the room. From his face one could judge that the burden of work was tremendous. He suddenly gestured that the burden was very great since yesterday. At 8:20 A.M. he asked me the time. In the fifteen minutes that followed he must have asked a dozen lovers what the time was. The importance of those minutes he alone knew, but I could not help thinking that some great event must be taking place somewhere in the cosmos.


After 8:35 A.M., he began asking us as usual if we had slept well the night before, when we had arrived in Poona. He told us, from a couplet of Hafiz, that if you want the Beloved, remember Him always. Forget everything else. There is no need to be bodily near the Beloved. Just remember Him with love.


Baba asked Dr. Deshmukh to recite some Sanskrit verses. After he had finished reciting them, Baba explained: "I have left the Paratpar State (Beyond-the-Beyond State) and come down to your level. In that Paratpar State there is no binding; there is absolute freedom, absolute existence. What a sublime state it is! One in a billion has such an experience of the Beyond State. From that state I have come down and I feel bound in you.


"This suffering is terrible. In me, I am free. When I break my Silence, a great push will be given to humanity. Even stones shall start dancing. After that I shall be in Bliss for 700 years."


On hearing this, Francis, who was seated near me, whispered in my ears, "Then we fellows do stand a chance!"


At about 9:30 A.M. two American women came in to see Baba. They were newcomers and knew very little about Baba. Baba told them, "If you cannot accept me as God, that should not worry you. Accept me as a True Friend. I am God undoubtedly. But it is difficult for the Western mind to accept the concept of God in human form. Jesus was God Himself, but Judas did not accept Him as such. Even Peter denied Jesus three times. So how can you accept Me? I am the Only Reality, while all else is false."


Two tapes had been received from New York City from a Baba lover. These were played on a tape recorder for about one and a half hours. One of them was reproduction of a letter by a Baba lover to his father, wishing him a happy birthday. It also gave in short, but very comprehensively, the theme of creation, as explained by Baba in God Speaks. It also explained the concept of Perfect Masters and the Avatar being God in human form.




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